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Latest reviews

  • Free SR's Decay Manager
    1.00 star(s)
    Deletes in less than 1 minute a dino that has just hatched or was born if you do not put a brand...
    • arum398
  • Free SR's Decay Manager
    1.00 star(s)
    [API][warning] (API::PluginManager::LoadAllPlugins) Failed to load plugin - DecayManager Error...
    • raspaloco
  • Free SR's Enhanced Spawner
    5.00 star(s)
    Insane Plugin! Also comes out directly with RCON support, i really enjoy it. Thanks a lot!
    • pleinx
  • Free Player Utilities FREE
    5.00 star(s)
    Huge thanks for making this awesome plugin for free! Its a big helper for the players in terms...
    • pleinx
  • Free SR's Solo Farm
    5.00 star(s)
    Nice plugin but in current ASA version ignores allowed dino list in config

Resource statistics

Disk usage
1 GB
Player Utilities FREE J
A collection of useful player commands and more!
DCPlayerOnline viperjr
Paid Paid DCPlayerOnline 1.3 $19.99
discord status show player online
Tribe Logs Ascended Lethal
Allows sending tribe logs to discord for player tribes and Admin Logging
Server Events Ascended Lethal
Create various events using different in game bosses/dinos.
Lethal Sightings Ascended Lethal
Create rare dinos for taming or special loot rewards
Lethal Quests Ascended Lethal
Advanced Stat Tracker, Questing System including Daily/Weekly and Customizable Reward System
Lethal Protection Lethal
Paid Lethal Protection 1.18 $39.99
Offline Protection, Raid/PvP Cooldowns, New Player Protection
Lethal Loot Ascended Lethal
Lootbox/Event System plus Customizable Stats for Items, Dinos and Eggs
Lethal Limits Lethal
Paid Lethal Limits 1.15 $34.99
Limit Structures and Dinos Allowed Per Tribe
Lethal Dino Utilities Lethal
Adjust Dino Stats, QoL Commands, Automatic Tame Settings and more
Items Plus Ascended + Cluster Transfer System Lethal
Cluster Transfer System, Death Inventory Saver, Item Weight, Limited Blueprint Crafts and more
LevelUpEvents -> Plugin That Provides Bunch of Level Related Actions! H
Player Stat Limiter, Engram Unlocker, Item/Dino/Command Giver Per LevelUP
Dino Utilities FREE J
A collection of useful dino commands and more!
SR's Newbie Protection (ASE) srdev
Protect newbies from getting raided too fast!
SR's Newbie Protection srdev
Protect newbies from getting raided too fast!
Vaultorama uaca
vaults virtual vaults store items transfer offline