SR's Enhanced Spawner

Free SR's Enhanced Spawner 1.6

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Enhanced item & dino spawning for your servers!

Plugin features:

  • Spawn dinos with exact stats or level.
  • Spawn cryopoded & saddled dinos.
  • Make cryopods despawn after throw and set time for them.
  • Spawn items with exact armor, durability, damage, hypothermal or hyperthermal insulations.
  • Spawn items with applied skins.
  • Has RCON & Console commands to give for yourself or to someone.

Console & RCON Commands:

ES.SpawnDino [DinoBlueprint*] [SaddleBlueprint*] [SaddleQuality*] [Level*] [Imprint*] [IsNeutered?*] [PreventCryo?*] [SpawnAsEgg?*] [Colors*] [Gender]
DinoBlueprint - Blueprint path of the dino.
SaddleBlueprint - Blueprint path of dino saddle.
SaddleQuality - Quality number of the saddle. (0 for primitive)
Level - Dino level.
Imprint (0-1.0) - Imprint level in percents.
IsNeutered? (0,1) - Do neuter dino?
PreventCryo? (0,1) - If 1 spawns as dino, not in cryopod.
SpawnAsEgg? (0,1) - If 1 spawns as egg.
Colors (0-1,2,3,4,5,6) - If set as 0, will not set any colors. If set as 1,2,3,4,5,6 will use set colors for each region.
Find colors here -
Gender (R,M,F) - Sets gender of a dino. (Random, Male, Female)

Note: Fields with * are required!
ES.SpawnDinoStats [DinoBlueprint*] [SaddleBlueprint*] [SaddleQuality*] [Imprint*] [IsNeutered?*] [PreventCryo?*] [SpawnAsEgg?*] [Colors*] [Gender] [H] [S] [O] [F] [W] [D]
DinoBlueprint - Blueprint path of the dino.
SaddleBlueprint - Blueprint path of dino saddle. Leave "" if you don't want to use it.
SaddleQuality - Quality number of the saddle. (0 for primitive)
Imprint (0-1.0) - Imprint level in percents.
IsNeutered? (0,1) - Do neuter dino?
PreventCryo? (0,1) - If 1 spawns as dino, not in cryopod.
SpawnAsEgg? (0,1) - If 1 spawns as egg.
Colors (0-1,2,3,4,5,6) - If set as 0, will not set any colors. If set as 1,2,3,4,5,6 will use set colors for each region.
Find colors here -
Gender (R,M,F) - Sets gender of a dino. (Random, Male, Female)
Stats support randomising, to use put "min-max" example: 10-20

Note: Fields with * are required!
ES.SpawnDinoFor [EOSID*] Original Arguments...
Note: EOSID of a player is required for that operation!
ES.SpawnDinoStatsFor [EOSID*] Original Arguments...
Note: EOSID of a player is required for that operation!
ES.SpawnItem [ItemBlueprint*] [ItemSkinBlueprint*] [Quality*] [IsBlueprint?*] [Quantity*] [Armor] [Durability] [Damage] [Hypo] [Hyper]
ItemBlueprint - Blueprint path of the item.
ItemSkinBlueprint - Blueprint path of item skin that will be applied on give. Leave "" if you don't want to use it.
Quality (0-5) - General quality of the item. Set 0 if you need primitive item. (If you put above or below client will crash)
IsBlueprint (0,1) - Spawn as blueprint or normal item.
Quantity - Number of items to give.
Stats support randomising, to use put "min-max" example: 100-200

Note: Fields with * are required!
ES.SpawnItemFor [EOSID*] Original Arguments...
Note: EOSID of a player is required for that operation!

    "CryopodBP": "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod.PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod'", # Cryopod item blueprint path. (If does not exist, PreventCryo will be always true)
    "CryoLimitTime": true, # Limits cryopod life and makes it despawn after throw.
    "CryoLifeInHours": 6 # Hours for cryopod to live.

Reload Command:


First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v1.6 - Extinction Update

    Fixed compatibility with Extinction Update
  2. Compatibility fix

    Fixed compatibility
  3. v1.5 - Imprint and Fix

    Updated to latest game version Added imprint argument Added new randomisation system for stats...

Latest reviews

Can your arkshop or rconspawner spawn armor value or dmg ? That's cute. This bad boy can handle heat resistance, cold resistance, skins on structures. For dino, color regions, castrate or spawn like an egg. All this either as a command for admin or rcon variant. You just won't find this anywhere else.