ASA Permissions

Official ASA Permissions 1.03

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ARK: SA Permissions

Permissions enables admins to set up and manage permission groups and ranks andlink specific permissions to those ranks.

Console and Rcon commands:

Player Management:
  • Permissions.Add <EOSID> <Group> - Adds player to a existing group permanently.
  • Permissions.Remove <EOSID> <Group> - Removes player from the group.
  • Permissions.AddTimed <EOSID> <Group> <Hours> <DelayHours> - Adds player to a existing group time based.
  • Permissions.RemoveTimed <EOSID> <Group> - Removes player from the timed group.
  • Permissions.PlayerGroups <EOSID> - Lists all player's groups.
Tribe Management:
  • Permissions.AddTribe <TribeID> <Group> - Adds tribe to a existing group permanently.
  • Permissions.RemoveTribe <TribeID> <Group> - Removes tribe from the group.
  • Permissions.AddTribeTimed <TribeID> <Group> <Hours> <DelayHours> - Adds tribe to a existing group time based.
  • Permissions.RemoveTribeTimed <TribeID> <Group> - Removes tribe from the timed group.
  • Permissions.TribeGroups <TribeID> - Lists all tribe's groups.
Group Management:
  • Permissions.AddGroup <Group> - Adds a group.
  • Permissions.RemoveGroup <Group> - Removes the group.
  • Permissions.Grant <Group> <Permission> - Grants a specific permission to the group. Wildcard character (*) would give all permissions to this group.
  • Permissions.Revoke <Group> <Permission> - Revokes a specific permission from the group.
  • Permissions.GroupPermissions <Group> - Lists all group's permissions.
  • Permissions.ListGroups - Lists all groups and their permissions.
Chat commands:
  • /groups - Lists player's groups.

MySQL 8.0.27 and lower is supported. MySQL 8.0.28 and higher is not supported. All MariaDB versions are supported.
If you want to use MySQL or MariaDB, set UseMysql to true and fill in the Mysql settings below.
If you want to use SQLite, set UseMysql to false and optionally set a custom path to the database using DbPathOverride.
ClusterSyncTime controls how many seconds before it refreshes the player permissions from the database. Minimum is 20 seconds!
"UseMysql": false, // DB type: sqlite or mysql.
"MysqlHost":"localhost", // Only for mysql db.
"MysqlUser":"root", // Only for mysql db.
"MysqlPass":"pass", // Only for mysql db.
"MysqlDB":"arkdb", // Only for mysql db.
"MysqlPort":3306, // Only for mysql db.
"MysqlPlayersTable":"ArkPPlayers", // MySQL players table name (optional)
"MysqlGroupsTable":"ArkPGroups", // MySQL groups table name (optional)
"MysqlTribesTable":"ArkPTribes", //MySQL tribes table name (optional)
"DbPathOverride":"", // Path to the DB file, leave empty to use default path. Only for sqlite db.
"ClusterSyncTime": 60 // Sync interval to refresh cached permissions values (optional)
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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  1. 1.03

    Server Owner Changes Added a Permissions.Reload handler (reloads the config.json) Added a...

Latest reviews

Ultra simple permission management, an essential plugin to make many other things work.
The quintessential first plugin necessary to have other plugins do cool, per-survivor or per-tribe authenticated operations. MySQL integration is very straightforward, as is admin configuration via RCON or console commands, and chat-based commands for users.