ASA Arkshop

Official ASA Arkshop 1.08

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Ark Survival Ascended: Shop, Currency & Kits

Chat Commands:

  • /points - See your current points balance
  • /buy <ID> <Amount> - Buy an item from the shop
  • /trade <'CharacterName'> <Amount> - Sends Amount Points to the character name specified
  • /kit to list all kits, /kit <KitName> to redeem one of them
  • /buykit <KitName> <Amount>. - Buys a kit. To get the contents you must redeem it with /kit kitname
  • /shop <Page>. See different pages of the shop. No page will show first page.
  • /sell <ID> <Amount> - Sell X amount of the item with ID
  • /shopsell <Page> - See what's available to sell. No page will show the first page
  • /shophelp - Custom help message

Console Commands:

  • AddPoints <EOS Id> <Amount> - This command allows you to add points to a specific player identified by their EOS Id.
  • SetPoints <EOS Id> <Amount> - This command allows you to change the current points amount of a player.
  • GetPlayerPoints <EOS Id> - This command prints the current points amount of a player.
  • ChangePoints <EOS Id> <Amount> - This command adds or decreases points from a player's current amount. The entered amount number can be negative, allowing for a decrease in points.
  • ChangeKitAmount <EOS Id> <KitName> <Amount> - This command adds or decreases the number of kits a player has. The entered amount number can be negative, allowing for a decrease in kits.
  • ArkShop.Reload - Reloads a config file for ArkShop.
  • ResetPoints - Resets the points of all players.
  • ResetKits - Resets the kits of all players.
  • ListInvItems - This command lists the blueprint paths of all items in the inventory to the log file.

RCON Commands:

  • AddPoints <EOS Id> <Amount> - This command adds a specified amount of points to a player's account.
  • GetPlayerPoints <EOS Id> - By using this command, you can check the amount of points a player has.
  • SetPoints <EOS Id> <Amount> - This command lets you set the points amount for a specific player.
  • ChangePoints <EOS Id> <Amount> - This command works the same way as the console command, allowing you to change a player's points amount.
  • ChangeKitAmount <EOS Id> <KitName> <Amount> - This command adds or decreases the number of kits a player has. You can enter a negative amount to decrease the kit count.
  • ArkShop.Reload -This command is used to reload a configuration file.

  "Mysql": {
    "UseMysql": false,
    "MysqlHost": "localhost",
    "MysqlUser": "apitest",
    "MysqlPass": "12345",
    "MysqlDB": "apitest",
    "MysqlPort": 3306
  "General": {
    "Discord": { //Used for discord Logging
      "Enabled": false,
      "SenderName": "ArkShop",
      "URL": "" //Webhook for discord channel
    "TimedPointsReward": {
      "Enabled": true, //If true player will receive points based on how much time they play for
      "StackRewards": false, //If true player will receive the sum of all the rewards of the groups he's in.
      "Interval": 30,
      "Groups": {
        "Donator-Diamond": { //Permission group name
          "Amount": 40
        "Donator-Platinum": { //Permission group name
          "Amount": 40
        "Donator-Gold": { //Permission group name
          "Amount": 40
        "Verified": { //Permission group name
          "Amount": 30
        "Default": { //Permission group name
          "Amount": 20
    "ItemsPerPage": 15,
    "ShopDisplayTime": 15.0,
    "ShopTextSize": 1.3,
    "DbPathOverride": "",
    "DefaultKit": "",
    "GiveDinosInCryopods": true, //provides dinos from the /buy command in cryopods or soul traps (if UseSoulTraps is true)
    "UseSoulTraps": false, //Use Dino Storage V2 Mod Soul Traps instead of Vanilla Cyropods (GiveDinosInCryopods must be true)
    "CryoLimitedTime": false, //Sets a 60 minute expire time
    "CryoItemPath": "", //ONLY USE IF YOU ARE USING CUSTOM VANILLA CRYOPODS Leave blank otherwise (data structure the mod uses must be identical)
    "UseOriginalTradeCommandWithUI": false, //You must disable the UI Trade Button in the ArkShopUI config if changing to true. Setting to [ICODE]true[/ICODE] will make the /trade work like there was no UI installed
    "PreventUseNoglin": true, //Prevent using buy/kit commands while controlled by a Noglin
    "PreventUseUnconscious": true, //Prevent using buy/kit commands while unconcious
    "PreventUseHandcuffed": true, //Prevent using buy/kit commands while hancuffed
    "PreventUseCarried": true //Prevent using buy/kit commands while being carried
  "Kits": {
    "inicio": {
      "DefaultAmount": 2,
      "Description": "Kit Ecuus(Con montura) y herramientas y armadura camuflaje",
      "Permissions": "Default",
      "Items": [
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_EquusSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_EquusSaddle'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponStoneHatchet.PrimalItem_WeaponStoneHatchet'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponStonePick.PrimalItem_WeaponStonePick'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Ghillie/PrimalItemArmor_GhillieHelmet.PrimalItemArmor_GhillieHelmet'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Ghillie/PrimalItemArmor_GhillieShirt.PrimalItemArmor_GhillieShirt'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Ghillie/PrimalItemArmor_GhilliePants.PrimalItemArmor_GhilliePants'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Ghillie/PrimalItemArmor_GhillieBoots.PrimalItemArmor_GhillieBoots'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_WaterJarCraftable.PrimalItemConsumable_WaterJarCraftable'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponSpear.PrimalItem_WeaponSpear'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Skin/ChibiDinos/PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_WitchingOwl.PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_WitchingOwl'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Ghillie/PrimalItemArmor_GhillieGloves.PrimalItemArmor_GhillieGloves'"
      "Dinos": [
          "Level": 100,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Equus_Character_BP_Eden.Equus_Character_BP_Eden'"
    "starter": {
      "DefaultAmount": 2,
      "Price": 90,
      "Description": "Starter kit (carno with saddle)",
      "OnlyFromSpawn": true,
      "Items": [
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Armor": 80, //This will force the saddle to have 80 Armor value
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'"
      "Dinos": [
          "Level": 10,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
    "vip": {
      "DefaultAmount": 1,
      "Description": "Vip kit for premiums (ptero)",
      "Permissions": "Admins,Premiums",
      "Dinos": [
          "Level": 20,
          "Neutered": true,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ptero/Ptero_Character_BP.Ptero_Character_BP'"
      "Commands": [
          "Command": "GiveEngrams",
          "DisplayAs": "Gives you all engram unlocks" //Only used in the Shop UI to display instead of the command itself
    "tools": {
      "DefaultAmount": 3,
      "Price": 50,
      "MinLevel": 1,
      "MaxLevel": 20,
      "Description": "Tools kit (pike and club)",
      "Items": [
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "Damage": 300, //this will force the pike to have 300% damage
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponPike.PrimalItem_WeaponPike'"
          "Amount": 1,
          "Quality": 0,
          "Durability": 300, //this will force the Club to have 300 durability
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponStoneClub.PrimalItem_WeaponStoneClub'"
  "ShopItems": {
    "stryder": {
      "Type": "dino",
      "Description": "Styder Mining Drill/Saddlebags",
      "Level": 150,
      "Price": 1,
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/TekStrider/TekStrider_Character_BP.TekStrider_Character_BP'",
      "StryderHead": 0, //-1 random, 0 harvester, 1 silence cannon, 2 machine gun, 3 radar (valid on kits also) omit this on other dinos
      "StryderChest": 3, //-1 random, 0 shield, 1 onesided shield, 2 cannon, 3 saddlebags (valid on kits also) omit this on other dinos
      "PreventCryo": true //true will not give the dino in a cryo if cryo's are enabled //false or setting missing will default to giving normally or in cryo depending your settings
    "gacha": {
      "Type": "dino",
      "Description": "Gacha Ele Dust",
      "Level": 150,
      "Price": 1,
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Gacha/Gacha_Character_BP.Gacha_Character_BP'",
      "GachaResources": { //Only need this section on Gacha's if you want to change their resources (can put upto 6 entries)
        //Normally Gacha'a can only have 1 Very Rare or Rare resource, 2 uncommon resources and 3 common resources
        //You should make the entries in decending order like the example here
        //very rare:60 (element dust only normally)
        //rare:10 (black pearl etc)
        "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ElementDust.PrimalItemResource_ElementDust'": 60, //"rare resource bp" : qty
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Silicon.PrimalItemResource_Silicon'": 20, //"uncommon resource bp" : qty
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Crystal.PrimalItemResource_Crystal'": 20, //"uncommon resource bp" : qty
        "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_CorruptedWood.PrimalItemResource_CorruptedWood'": 40, //"common resource bp" : qty
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Thatch.PrimalItemResource_Thatch'": 40, //"common resource bp" : qty
        "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_RawSalt.PrimalItemResource_RawSalt'": 40 //"common resource bp" : qty
    "ingots100": {
      "Type": "item",
      "Description": "Metal Ingot (100x)",
      "Price": 15,
      "Items": [
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Amount": 100,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_MetalIngot.PrimalItemResource_MetalIngot'"
    "tools": {
      "Type": "item",
      "Description": "Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick)",
      "Price": 5,
      "Items": [
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet'"
          "Quality": 0,
          "ForceBlueprint": false,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick'"
    "para": {
      "Type": "dino",
      "Description": "Parasaurolophus",
      "Level": 10,
      "Price": 20,
      "MinLevel": 10,
      "MaxLevel": 15,
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP.Para_Character_BP'"
    "carno": {
      "Type": "dino",
      "Description": "Male Carnotaurus",
      "Level": 15,
      "Price": 50,
      "Neutered": true,
      "Gender": "male", //Give male dino
      "SaddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'",
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
    "carno2": {
      "Type": "dino",
      "Description": "Female Carnotaurus",
      "Level": 15,
      "Price": 50,
      "Neutered": true,
      "Gender": "female", //Give female dino
      "SaddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'",
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
    "carno3": {
      "Type": "dino",
      "Description": "Random Gender Carnotaurus",
      "Level": 15,
      "Price": 50,
      "Neutered": true,
      "Gender": "random", //Give random gender dino (this can be removed to also produce a random gender)
      "SaddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'",
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
    "crate25": {
      "Type": "beacon",
      "Description": "SupplyCrate Lvl 25",
      "Price": 100,
      "ClassName": "SupplyCrate_Level25_Double_C"
    "crate2": {
      "Type": "beacon",
      "Description": "Artifact Crate 2",
      "Price": 100,
      "ClassName": "ArtifactCrate_2_C"
    "exp1000": {
      "Type": "experience",
      "Description": "1000 points of experience",
      "GiveToDino": false,
      "Price": 55,
      "Amount": 1000.0
    "tekengram": {
      "Type": "unlockengram",
      "Description": "Engram TEK Boots & Gloves",
      "Price": 20,
      "Items": [
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/TEK/PrimalItemArmor_TekBoots.PrimalItemArmor_TekBoots'"
          "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/TEK/PrimalItemArmor_TekGloves.PrimalItemArmor_TekGloves'"
    "allengrams": {
      "Type": "command",
      "Description": "All engrams",
      "Price": 1000,
      "Items": [
          "Command": "GiveEngrams",
          "DisplayAs": "Gives you all engram unlocks" //Only used in the Shop UI to display instead of the command itself
  "SellItems": {
    "metal": {
      "Type": "item",
      "Description": "100x stone",
      "Price": 10,
      "Amount": 100,
      "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Stack50/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Stone_Child.PrimalItemResource_Stone_Child'"
  "Messages": {
    "Sender": "ArkShop",
    "BoughtItem": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought item</>",
    "BoughtDino": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought dino</>",
    "BoughtBeacon": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought beacon</>",
    "BoughtExp": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought experience</>",
    "ReceivedPoints": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 1, 0, 1\">You have received {0} points! (total: {1})</>",
    "HavePoints": "You have {0} points",
    "NoPoints": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have enough points</>",
    "WrongId": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Wrong id</>",
    "NoPermissionsKit": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have permission to use this kit</>",
    "CantBuyKit": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't buy this kit</>",
    "BoughtKit": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought {0} kit</>",
    "AvailableKits": "Available kits for you:",
    "NoKits": "No available kits",
    "KitsLeft": "You have {0} {1} kits left",
    "NoKitsLeft": "You don't have {0} kits left",
    "CantGivePoints": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't give points to yourself</>",
    "RidingDino": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't buy this item while riding a dino</>",
    "SentPoints": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully sent {0} points to {1}</>",
    "GotPoints": "You have received {0} points from {1}",
    "NoPlayer": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Player doesn't exist</>",
    "FoundMorePlayers": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Found more than one player with the given name</>",
    "BuyUsage": "Usage: /buy id amount",
    "ShopUsage": "Usage: /shop page",
    "KitUsage": "Usage: /kit KitName",
    "BuyKitUsage": "Usage: /BuyKit KitName amount",
    "TradeUsage": "Usage: /trade 'Player Name' amount",
    "PointsCmd": "/points",
    "TradeCmd": "/trade",
    "BuyCmd": "/buy",
    "ShopCmd": "/shop",
    "KitCmd": "/kit",
    "BuyKitCmd": "/buykit",
    "SellCmd": "/sell",
    "ShopSellCmd": "/shopsell",
    "SellUsage": "Usage: /sell id amount",
    "NotEnoughItems": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have enough items ({0}/{1})</>",
    "SoldItems": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully sold items</>",
    "BadLevel": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Required level: {0} - {1}</>",
    "KitsListPrice": "Price: {0}",
    "KitsListFormat": "\"{0}\" - {1}. {2} left. {3}\n",
    "StoreListDino": "{0}) {1}. Level: {2}. Id: {3}. Price: {4}\n",
    "StoreListItem": "{0}) {1}. Id: {2}. Price: {3}\n",
    "StoreListFormat": "{0}",
    "OnlyOnSpawnKit": "This kit can be used only on spawn",
    "HelpCmd": "/shophelp",
    "ShopMessage": "Usage: /buy id amount",
    "HelpMessage": "This is shop help message",
    "RefundError": "Points refunded due to an error",
    "ShopFindCmd": "/shopfind",
    "ShopFindUsage": "Usage: /shopfind searchterm",
    "ShopFindNotFound": "No items matched your search",
    "ShopFindTooManyResults": "Too many results to display refine your search term",
    "NoPermissionsStore": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have permission to buy this {0}!</>",
    "InventoryIsFull": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Unable to redeem your kit, inventory full!</>"

Note: Arkshop accepts the following placeholders in commands:


First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from Pelayori

Latest updates

  1. 1.08

    Fixed crashes due to new Aberration update
  2. 1.07

    Fixed issues when using commands in console

Latest reviews

Best Ark Shop around! Simple and easy to set up and never any issues
What more can I say than that this is an absolutely legendary. Thanks for the port to ASA. <3
Automating your server's shop has never been easier with this plugin