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Deletes in less than 1 minute a dino that has just hatched or was born if you do not put a brand on it, I reported the problem to the developer in discord, but he ignored me saying that the error was in me, although I tried to create a clean server and I am 100% sure that the reason is this plugin.
Have you ever continued conversation?
[API][warning] (API::PluginManager::LoadAllPlugins) Failed to load plugin - DecayManager
Error code: 1114
Try writing in discussions or discord instead of posting 1-star review. Error 1114 could be: database error, configuration error or a bad attempt to run it on ARK: Survival Evolved server, this plugin is for ARK: Survival Ascended. Current build works stable with latest game version.
Insane Plugin! Also comes out directly with RCON support, i really enjoy it. Thanks a lot!
Huge thanks for making this awesome plugin for free! Its a big helper for the players in terms of QoL.
Nice plugin but in current ASA version ignores allowed dino list in config