Ark Survival Ascended

Resources for ASA Server API

Top resources

Player Utilities FREE J
A collection of useful player commands and more!
LevelUpEvents -> Plugin That Provides Bunch of Level Related Actions! H
Player Stat Limiter, Engram Unlocker, Item/Dino/Command Giver Per LevelUP
Dino Utilities FREE J
A collection of useful dino commands and more!
Armadoggo Taming Fix rio_aleksandr
Fix taming efficiency loss when taming Armadoggo.
No Building On Spawn Points J
Prevent players from building on top of spawn points!
SR's Enhanced Spawner srdev
Improved admin spawning commands for items & dinos.
SR's Native Reusables srdev
Make items reusable without any mods!
SR's Structure Limits srdev
Limit your players from placing too much structures!
ARK SA Tip4Serv Donation Webstore murgator
Create your ASA webstore and monetize your server
SR's Decay Manager srdev
Manage your structures and creatures decaying timers!
SR's Solo Farm srdev
Make farming for small tribes easier!
Ascended Dino Level Clamp Pelayori
Plugin to control issues with cheaters/hackers spawning dinos with unusual high levels.
Custom Dino Levels Pelayori
Modify dino level distribution to your liking, even with custom creature overrides.
ARK:SA ServerAPI Plugin for dino related commands
Anti PVE Griefing rio_aleksandr
Plugin for prevent grifering in PvE servers.
TidyDams ASA srdev
Dams are destroyed when left with only wood
Inforama uaca
Free Inforama 2024-07-05
Inforama - shows map, id, tribe id and tribe name in chat with option to post to discord, dino stats
RCON Scheduler Ascended Lethal
Want to run RCON commands on server start or on a set schedule easily?