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Plugin to control current issues with cheaters/hackers spawning dinos with unusual high levels, even negative level dinos.Can delete those dinos or just broadcast them to discord
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"DestroyDinosOverLevel": 1000, // destroys dinos over the level specified
"EnableLevelWarning": true, // will warn to discord and console for above LevelWarningThreshold
"LevelWarningThreshold": 400,
"LevelWarningWebhook": "", // discord webhook to send to
"MinDinoLevel": 0,
"AutoDestroyDinosBelowMinLevel": true, // if true destroy dinos below min level
"DestroyIncoherentDinos": true, // destroy dinos that its stat sum isn't correct (hacks usually)
"DestroyDinosOverStatValue": true, // will destroy dinos that have more value than the below list, at least 1 of them
"StatValueLimits": {
"Health": 1000000,
"Stamina": 1000000,
"Oxygen": 1000000,
"Food": 1000000,
"Water": 1000000,
"Weight": 1000000,
"MeleeDamageMultiplier": 1000000,
"SpeedMultiplier": 1000000
"WhitelistedDinos": [ // these dinos will not have any checks performed to them
"Giant Bee"
"DestroyDinosOverLevel": 1000, // destroys dinos over the level specified
"EnableLevelWarning": true, // will warn to discord and console for above LevelWarningThreshold
"LevelWarningThreshold": 400,
"LevelWarningWebhook": "", // discord webhook to send to
"MinDinoLevel": 0,
"AutoDestroyDinosBelowMinLevel": true, // if true destroy dinos below min level
"DestroyIncoherentDinos": true, // destroy dinos that its stat sum isn't correct (hacks usually)
"DestroyDinosOverStatValue": true, // will destroy dinos that have more value than the below list, at least 1 of them
"StatValueLimits": {
"Health": 1000000,
"Stamina": 1000000,
"Oxygen": 1000000,
"Food": 1000000,
"Water": 1000000,
"Weight": 1000000,
"MeleeDamageMultiplier": 1000000,
"SpeedMultiplier": 1000000
"WhitelistedDinos": [ // these dinos will not have any checks performed to them
"Giant Bee"
RCON/Console commands
- adlc.reload - Reloads config file