Anti PVE Griefing

Free Anti PVE Griefing 2.2

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What`s new:

  • The parameter name in config.json has been fixed - CheckUnlockStateAfterRestart. You need to open config.json and change the old name CheckUnlockStateAfterReatart to the new CheckUnlockStateAfterRestart.
  • A new feature has been added: plugin can now destroy eggs dropped by players. For this, new settings have been added to config.json (pls, look at config_commented.json):
"EggsSettings": {
    "AutoDestroyFertilizedEggs": true, // If enabled, it will automatically destroy dropped dinosaur eggs (e.g., when players drop wyvern eggs somewhere in the open world). It will not destroy eggs in nests and eggs laid by dinos. This setting only affects eggs dropped by players.
    "AutoDestroyFertilizedEggsDelayInSeconds": 30, // Delay in seconds. This is the time after which the egg will be destroyed after the player drops it.
    "DinoEggsForAutoDestroy": [ // List of dinos whose eggs need to be destroyed (this setting works with both vanilla wyverns and mod wyverns).
    "StructuresForPreventingEggDestruction": [ // List of structures near which the egg will not be destroyed. If the egg is lying near any structure from the list, it will not be destroyed. You need the Blueprint of the structure, not the item. You can get it using the command "cheat GetTargetBP" while looking at the desired structure.

Please note that config file has been modified. Make sure to update it.

What`s new:

  • Fixed the plugin name issue.
  • Fixed the bug where tamed dinos started getting deleted after the latest game update when using DestroyUnclaimedDinos: true in config.json and DisableDinoDecayPvE=True in GameUserSettings.ini.
  • Updated and optimized the code.
  • Removed the DestroyUnclaimedDinos parameter from config.json. Instead, a new parameter has been added: DestroyDecayedDinos.
  • New parameter: DestroyDecayedDinos=true - Allows you to destroy decayed dinos (instead unclaim). Players will no longer be able to claim dinos, which must be destroyed. This feature will not work if you set DisableDinoDecayPvE=True in GameUserSettings.ini.

Please note that you need to perform a clean installation of the plugin. Here's how to do it:

1) Save your old config.json.
2) Completely remove the plugin from the Plugins folder.
3) Delete the AntiPVEGrifering.pdb file from the Win64 folder.
4) Copy version 2.1 into the Plugins folder.
5) Replace the config.json with your old one.
6) Make changes to config.json as described above. You can always refer to config_commented.json to ensure everything is done correctly.
7) Installation is complete. Start the server.
- Fixed an issue with launching on virtual machines.