ARK:SA ServerAPI Plugin for dino related commandsRequirements
- ServerAPI Download/Install
- Ofcourse the ARK:SA Server
- Arkshop(Points) and Permissions (Required)
- Auto Harvest / solo farm
- Multiple dino can be farm
- Farming on server start (future update requires dataabase)
- Tribe max dino can be set
- Get Fertilize Egg (Mutation can be set)
- Get normal egg
- Dino Inventory automatic transfer (requires to set dino and storage)
- Dino Inventory automatic transfer range can be set or unlimited(anywhere in the map)
- Grow baby (AOE available)
- Change Gender
- Claim babies (auto cryopod and rename [see rename settings])
- Color Dino (AOE available)
- Cryo target
- Cryo AOE
- Cryo Babies
- Cryo recent babies
- Enable mating (AOE available)
- Do Respec (mind wipe dino)
- End mating progress
- Fill hp,stamina,food
- Print stats in chat (All, mutated, leveled)
- Give birth (Gestate dino)
- Give level/exp (AOE available)
- Give max level dino
- Hatch targeted egg
- Have baby (instant baby from gestating dino)
- Can use other cryopod mods
- AOE range can be set
- Set imprint quality (give 100%) (AOE available)
- Incubate eggs from inventory
- Kill Dino (AOE available)
- Apply level on specific stats if has points available (to the max)
- Neuter/Spay dino
- Pickup all dropped eggs
- Force poop dino (AOE available)
- Rename dino (AOE available) see config for params
- Reset mating cooldown
- Revive dino (as long as corpse is available)
- Can retain/dispose cryopod after use
- Set and Teleport personal dino (up to 5 dino)
Future updates
- Change taming effectiveness to 100%
- Revive Aoe
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Source code
As soon as I am comfortable with my coding I will release it to the public