Ark Survival Evolved

Resources for ASE Server API

Top resources

  • ARK Guardian ASE
    Paid ARK Guardian ASE
    ⚔️ Advanced server-side anti-cheat protection! (65+ Features)
    • srdev
    • Updated:
  • Items+
    Paid Items+
    Overflow Protection, Death Inventory Saver, Item Weight, Limited Blueprint Crafts and more
    • Lethal
    • Updated:
  • Lethal Decay
    Paid Lethal Decay
    Highly efficient lag free decay plugin that is easy to configure and replaces ARK's system
    • Lethal
    • Updated:
  • Cosmetic Giver
    Paid Cosmetic Giver
    Give Skins on Spawn
    • gibbo2255
    • Updated:
  • No Double Login
    Paid No Double Login
    Prevent double login duping exploits, duplicate characters and more
    • Lethal
    • Updated:
RCON Scheduler Lethal
Want to run RCON commands on server start or on a set schedule easily?
PvP+ Lethal
Free PvP+ 1.82
PvP/PvE quality of life changes and to fix exploitative raiding methods
PvP Cooldowns Lethal
Prevents commands or actions during PvP/Raid Combat
All Engrams Pelayori
The easy way to learn all engrams
Advanced Messages Pelayori
Customized messages, Timed messages and Custom Commands!
Wild Dino Spawn Control Pelayori
Plugin to limit the amount of wild dinos of each class that can spawn on the map at a time.
GenderChanger Pelayori
Change gender of dinos with a command and configurable token system & permissions
Kill Unclaimeds Pelayori
Kill Unclaimed on given interval, check on birth and server start
Tame Disabler Pelayori
Control dino taming at runtime. Can detect a wipe and disable specific dino taming for X time
Day Changer Pelayori
Change map's day number and option to force stay at day with working day cycle.
Cross Server Chat Pelayori
Player chat across ark servers, Supports Unicode
Pull Prevention Pelayori
Prevent Pulling from/to structures. Can fix the SS dupe bug ongoing
Anti PvE Griefing Pelayori
Stop PVE players from being griefed in different ways.
ArkHomes Pelayori
Free ArkHomes 1.32
Home & teleport system for Ark
Mission Disabler Pelayori
Disable certain missions (Gen2 & other maps)
Lethal ORP Lethal
Lethal's Offline Raid Protection
Creatures+ Lethal
Flyer Speed, Stat Capping and Rebalancing Per Dino