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- Customizable delays and cooldowns
- Customizable messages
- SQLite database
- Checks if player near a friendly base
- Checks if player near an enemy base
- Supports ArkShop & Permissions
- /addhome <HomeName> - Saves your current position for the home location.
- /removehome <HomeName> - Removes a home.
- /home <HomeName> - Teleports you to the home location.
- /listhomes - Lists all home names.
- /tp <LocationName> - Teleports you to the location, defined by the server.
- /tplist - Lists all public teleports that are available.
- ArkHome.Reload - Reloads a config file.
- ArkHomes.Teleport
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"HomeTpDelay":20, // Teleport delay for /home command in seconds
"TeleportDelay":15, // Teleport delay for /tp command in seconds
"TpHomeCooldown":1, // Cooldown for /home command in minutes
"TeleportCooldown":1, // Cooldown for /tp command in minutes
"AddHomeCooldown":1, // Cooldown for /addhome command in minutes
"MaxHomes":2, // Maximum amount of homes for player
"MinStructures":3, // Minimum amount of friendly structures near the player to be able to add home
"Radius":5000, // Radius used to check friendly structures
"CanTpWithDino":true, // Can teleport while riding a dino
"EnemyStructureMinDistance":10000 // Minimum distance to the enemy structure to be able to use teleport
"UsePermissions": false, // Requires permission "ArkHomes.Teleport" to teleport (NOT GROUP, IT NEEDS A PERMISSION!!)
"UseArkShop": false, // If true points will be taken from the player on each teleport
"CostPerHomeTeleport": 20 // Points that teleport cost
"Teleport":{ // Teleport locations