Advanced Messages

Free Advanced Messages 2.22

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Plugin features:
  • Send Client Chat Messages to all online players from game console and RCON with configurable sender name and message colour
  • Send Server chat messages to all players from game console and RCON with configurable message colour
  • Send Notifications to all players with configurable colour, display scale and display time
  • Configure timed messages on given interval with all the options about the message configurable
  • Option to enable a configurable welcome message (It can display player's character name!).
  • Timed messages won't repeat, it will choose another from config if message was sent the last time
  • Unicode support for messages. NOTE: Sending messages manyally from RCON requires the Unicode Rcon Plugin.
Console/RCON Commands:
(If steam id is 0 it will be sent to everyone online, r g b parameters are optional, if they are not written color will be taken from config defaults)

  • am.sendchat <steam id> <message sender>"Message" <r> <g> <b> - Sends a client chat message to all online players.
  • am.sendserver <steam id> "Message" <r> <g> <b> - Sends a server chat message to all online players
  • am.sendnotification <steam id> "Message" <display scale> <display time> <r> <g> <b> <icon bp path> - Sends a notification message to all online players. Icon bp is optional, path is in format of /Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Mammoth/Icons/MammothLegs_Icon.MammothLegs_Icon
  • am.chatasplayer <steam id> "Message to send as player". This will force the player to send a chat message, it can be a command too like /shop. Player needs to be online.
  • am.reload - Reloads the config file

Config file explained included in the plugin folder.

Common issues:

First release
Last update


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