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Wild Dino Spawn Control
Plugin to limit the amount of wild dinos of each class that can spawn on the map at a time.
Plugin features:
- Control how many of each dino should spawn, as maximum, when spawning new wild dinos
- Prevent wild dinos from spawning if certain level is reached
Console/RCON Commands:
- wdsc.reload - Reloads the config file
- wdsc.dumpdinos - Logs to the server console a list with all the dino BPs spawned, as well as the count of each dino (Only wild!). Can write to a file if enabled in config.
Config file explained:
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"Max_Dino_Counts": { // List of dino classes to limit
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tusoteuthis/Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP.Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP'": 5, // Example. Only allow 5 Alpha Tusoteuthis to spawn on the whole map.
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Coelacanth/Coel_Character_BP.Coel_Character_BP'": 600 // Example. Only allow 600 Coels to spawn on the whole map.
"WriteDumpsToFile": false // If true, the command
"Max_Dino_Counts": { // List of dino classes to limit
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tusoteuthis/Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP.Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP'": 5, // Example. Only allow 5 Alpha Tusoteuthis to spawn on the whole map.
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Coelacanth/Coel_Character_BP.Coel_Character_BP'": 600 // Example. Only allow 600 Coels to spawn on the whole map.
"WriteDumpsToFile": false // If true, the command
will write to a file under /WildDinoSpawnControl/DinoDumpLogs with the current date, and the count of each dino on the map}[/CODE]
Common issues:
- Q: I am getting error 126 when loading the plugin
- A: You need the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 as I compile my plugins with latest Visual Studio 2019.