Lethal ORP

Free Lethal ORP 1.48

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Offline Raid Protection
PVE Base Mode (Always On ORP to allow World PVP Only)
Raid Protection (Granted by Admin for X Hours of 100% ORP Immunity)
ORP Decay Timer (Removes ORP after active for X Days in a row)
ORP Visiblity (Can temporarily show the ORP radius)
Adjust Damage Values (Dinos, Turrets and Structures)
Physical ORP (Structure that can be destroyed to disable a Tribe ORP serval customizable options)
ORP Placement Restrictions (Many options available to customize)
PVP Flagging System (Allows adding raid logging penalties)
Configurable Command Names
Customizable Messaging and Tribe Log Entries

Player Chat Commands
/showorp - Show visual orp range
/setorp - Sets the tribe ORP at the player location (Tribe Admins can use this and logs message to the Tribe Log)
/removeorp - Removes the tribe ORP (Tribe Admins can use this and logs message to the Tribe Log)
/protection - Allows players to check raid protection time remaining
/tribeid - Allow tribes to get their tribe id

Admin Chat Commands
/orp - Allow admin to show an ORP bubble when inside an ORP along with the tribe id it belongs to

RCON Commands
lethalorp.removeorp <tribeid>
Usage "lethalorp.removeorp 1234567980" this will remove a tribe's ORP with the TribeId 1234567890
lethalorp.raidprotection <add/remove> <tribeid> <hours>
Usage "lethalorp.raidprotection add 1234567890 12" will add 12 hours of protection to TribeId 1234567890
Usage "lethalorp.raidprotection remove 1234567890 0" will remove the protection early from TribeId 1234567890
First release
Last update


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