Lethal Protection

Lethal Protection [Paid] 1.18

No permission to buy ($39.99)
Lethal updated Lethal Protection with a new update entry:


Lethal Protection v1.14
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Proper fix for the ARK 45.14 patch and fixes all the PVP CD restrictions for structures that I had to remove for a quick fix yesterday.

This contains New Player Protection that I was working on and should be in stable condition.
enable NPP at your own discretion further testing is required
see the commented config for details

(config changes for NPP support)

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Lethal updated Lethal Protection with a new update entry:


Lethal Protection v1.15
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue with preventing some chat commands from working.
NPP Changes
Prevent protecting dino platform structures.
Added new message NPPTribe to notify when trying to damage a protected NPP structure.
Added a bunch of missing NPP messages into the base config.
Players that were never tracked could not get NPP. To track those players they will need to die or...

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Lethal updated Lethal Protection with a new update entry:


Lethal Protection v1.16
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixing ORP activation issues
Fixed buff refreshes making buffs appear for a brief moment by mistake.
Fixing missing displayed buffs caused by ARK bug.
Fixing NPP issue when inviting players giving NPP again for a tribe.

(no config changes since v1.15)

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Lethal updated Lethal Protection with a new update entry:


Lethal Protection v1.17
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added the ability to disable the need for an ORP for RAID Flagging.
Structure damage/destruction anywhere on the map will flag depending on FlagOnDamage true/false setting
Player damage/kills will only flag for PVP flagging
Added new setting in RAIDFlag
"RemoveORPRangeChecks": false, //true - will flag for RAID on any structure...

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Lethal updated Lethal Protection with a new update entry:

1.18 Beta 5

Lethal Protection v1.18 Beta 5
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Turrets will raid flag now with TurretSoakingFlags enabled and RemoveORPRangeChecks enabled when outside of the ORP range or there is no ORP.
Added setting to prevent NPP tribes from attacking other tribes structures.
"PreventAttackingOtherTribeStructures": true, //Prevents protected players from attacking other tribe structures...

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Lethal updated Lethal Protection with a new update entry:


Lethal Protection v1.18
Server API 1.18+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixes for various NPP issues
Fixed NPP bug where protection was not being calculated properly in all cases.
Fixed NPP bug that preventing attacking Lethal Loot Event Boxes etc.
Added new setting to NewPlayerProtection
    "DelayActivationOnFreshWipe": 1739090786, //New players joining before this EPOCH time will not be eligible for NPP. //0 or lower will...

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