Lethal Dino Utilities

Lethal Dino Utilities [Paid] 1.29

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Lethal submitted a new resource:

Lethal Dino Utilities - Tweak dino settings and automate some tasks with player preferences

Tweak dino settings and automate some tasks with player preferences

MySQL/MariaDB (required for all features)

* Player preferences for breeding settings
No Ally Looking
Targeting Range High
Set Random Dino Name
Set Player Name as Dino Name
Block Dino Name Prompt
Set Stats as Dino Name
Set Stat Points as Dino Name
  • Force certain dinos to wander by default (helpful for water tame breeding)
  • Allow...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.02
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added Cryo and CryoAOE commands and supporting messages.
Added supporting messages
Added new General option CryoBP to allow changing the cryo blueprint used.
Using Pela's cryo mod can save dino buffs also
Other minor adjustments to commands.

(config changes to General...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.11
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Dino Souls are no longer revived using the UnCryo command.
Added new command CommandList to list out each command the player can use and their specific cost/settings.
Commands now have short descriptions.
Commands can also be hidden from the command list.
Boss Dinos are excluded from stat modifications.

(config changes to Commands...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.12
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issues with empty cryo detection.
Added the ability to use a partial dino name in the /cryoaoe and /uncryo commands.
/cryoaoe theri would only cryo Therizinosaur in range.
/uncryo theri would only uncryo pods with a Therizinosaur stored inside.

(no config changes)

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.13
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue with dino auto naming.
Dino naming is now configurable using the following Messages:
    "DinoStatsPointNaming": {
      "Message": "{Gender} H{HealthPoints} S{StaminaPoints} F{FoodPoints} W{WeightPoints} M{DamagePoints}"
    "DinoStatsNaming": {
      "Message": "{Gender} H{HealthValue} S{StaminaValue} F{FoodValue} W{WeightValue}...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.14
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed dino stat naming bugs.
Fixed /hatch creating level 1 dinos in certain cases.
Fixed BlockUnCryoOnMaps not working.
Added new message if command target is not found:
    "NoTarget": {
      "Message": "Did not find a valid target, you have to look at the creature/egg to use the command.",
      "Scale": 1.5,
      "DisplayTime": 3.0...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.15
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Updated valid tokens for modifying the display values for DinoStatsNaming and DinoStatsPointNaming messages
{Gender} //shows M or F
{HealthValue} //Shows total HP
{HealthPoints} // Shows base stat points + mutated points
{HealthPointsTamed} //Shows only Tamed stat points added
{HealthPointsMutated} //Show only mutated stat...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:

1.20 Beta 7

Lethal Dino Utilities v1.20 Beta 7
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added follow distance settings (low and lowest)
    "AutoFollowLowest": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Lowest",
      "Default": false
    "AutoFollowLow": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Low",
      "Default": false
Added a limit (Value) for the CryoAOE command.
Added Command cooldowns and a new message.
    "CooldownActive": {...

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Lethal updated Lethal Dino Utilities with a new update entry:


Lethal Dino Utilities v1.20
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added follow distance settings (low and lowest)
    "AutoFollowLowest": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Lowest",
      "Default": false
    "AutoFollowLow": {
      "Name": "Follow Distance Low",
      "Default": false
Added a limit (Value) for the CryoAOE command.
Added Command cooldowns and a new message.
    "CooldownActive": {...

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