Custom Dino Levels

Custom Dino Levels 1.2

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Pelayori submitted a new resource:

Custom Dino Levels - Modify dino level distribution to your liking, even with custom creature overrides.

Modify the different level ranges for wild dino spawns. Can override per dino type

[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"DinoLevelEntries": [ // entries that affect all creatures
"EntryWeight": 1, // entry weight. the higher the weight, the more chance it has to be chosen
"MinLevel": 15, // min level of the entry
"MaxLevel": 25 // max level. will choose a value between min/max, that is multiply of 5
"EntryWeight": 0.8...[/CODE]

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Looks like not working and confusing the diffrent configs what is in the plugin and what showing in forum. Anyway I tried put in the plugin folder, and folder name was diffrent what makes problem in loading.
Looks like not working and confusing the diffrent configs what is in the plugin and what showing in forum. Anyway I tried put in the plugin folder, and folder name was diffrent what makes problem in loading.
Zip has a folder inside, extract that folder inside the plugins folder and it will work.
OOo sorry, If I extraxt with windows, that is given the folder name taken from zip file name... Sorry, My mistake
Hi, first of all thank you for your work.
I just have one problem with that.
For me, all dinosaurs are level 1 as soon as I use the plugin.

and I have another question.
How does the setting affect e.g. Wyverns out?

Are they capped at level 150 or at 190 as normal?

Server Version: 56.18
Server Map: Scorced Earth

Mod: Super Spyglass Plus

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