Search results

  1. srdev

    Free SR's Admin Logger 1.0

    Log admin actions to Discord with webhooks! Plugin features: Log admin commands to Discord webhook. Log items crafted in GCM to Discord webhook. Customize commands highlighting. Add ignored commands. Change formats and colors of displayed webhook embed messages. Commands: AdminLogger.Reload...
  2. srdev

    SR's Admin Logger

    srdev submitted a new resource: Admin Logger - Log admin actions to Discord! Read more about this resource...
  3. srdev

    Free SR's Place Restrictor 1.1

    Limit structures from being placed on something. Plugin features: Block structures from placing on other structures. Restrict placement of structures on ground. Block placing structures near enemy structures. Commands: PlaceRestrictor.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.
  4. srdev

    SR's Place Restrictor

    srdev submitted a new resource: Place Restrictor - Block placing structures on ground, specific structures or near enemy structures! Read more about this resource...
  5. srdev

    Free SR's Auto Dino Settings 1.6.1

    Automatically set your dino settings on claim! Plugin features: Make dinos passive on claim. Make dinos stop ally looking on claim. Rename dinos as stats or player name on claim. Set preferred stats to display and minimum level for them to display. Prevent name dialog on creature taming...
  6. srdev

    SR's Auto Dino Settings

    srdev submitted a new resource: Auto Dino Settings - Automatically set your dino settings on claim! Read more about this resource...
  7. srdev

    Free SR's Structure Limits 2.0

    Limit your players from placing a lot of various structures! Plugin features: Set global limit of structures. Set exact structure limit. Make some structures ignore limits. Block players from inviting or merging someone to break limits. Allow admins to ignore limits. Make tribe limits by their...
  8. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev submitted a new resource: StructureLimits - Limit your players from placing too much structures! Read more about this resource...
  9. srdev

    Free SR's Enhanced Spawner 1.6

    Enhanced item & dino spawning for your servers! Plugin features: Spawn dinos with exact stats or level. Spawn cryopoded & saddled dinos. Make cryopods despawn after throw and set time for them. Spawn items with exact armor, durability, damage, hypothermal or hyperthermal insulations. Spawn...
  10. srdev

    SR's Enhanced Spawner

    srdev submitted a new resource: EnhancedSpawner - Improved admin spawning commands for items & dinos. Read more about this resource...
  11. srdev

    Free SR's Native Reusables 1.4

    Make any item or weapon reusable! Plugin features: Make weapon's ammo infinite. (Grappling Hook, Flare Gun) Restrict players from getting "infinite" ammo. Make consumables infinite. (Parachute, Meat) Console & RCON Commands: NativeReusables.Reload - Reload plugin configuration.
  12. srdev

    SR's Native Reusables

    srdev submitted a new resource: NativeReusables - Make items reusable without any mods! Read more about this resource...
  13. srdev

    Free SR's Better Whitelist 1.1

    Make it easy to allow players join exclusive or full servers! Plugin Features: Exclusive join by permission group or single EOS id. Allow players to join full servers by permission group or single EOS id. Live changes of the configuration! No need to restart the server. Prompt players with...
  14. srdev

    SR's Better Whitelist

    srdev submitted a new resource: Better Whitelist - Better whitelisting options. Read more about this resource...
  15. srdev

    Free SR's Emoji Pack 1.0

    This plugin allows you to add your own emoji to server chat! Plugin Features: Supports remapping existing icons in the game. Fully compatible with crosschats and different "chat changing" plugins. You can add your own emoji with mods. Has Permissions to decide who can use emoji and who not...
  16. srdev

    SR's Emoji Pack

    srdev submitted a new resource: EmojiPack - Add your own emoji to chat! Read more about this resource...