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  1. srdev

    SR's Newbie Protection [Paid]

    srdev updated SR's Newbie Protection with a new update entry: v1.1 - Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. srdev

    Free SR's Structure Limits - v1.9.1b - Fix

    Version B: -- Reuploaded in order to fix building tools causing Error 1114!! Fixed some issues with overlimiting
  3. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated SR's Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.9.1b - Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated SR's Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.9.1 - Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. srdev

    Free SR's Structure Limits - v1.9 - Database Support

    Added MySQL Database support for permissions. Added limitations if tribe has overcapped or limited structures. Added new translations and config options, edited default ignores.
  6. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated SR's Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.9 - Database Support Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated SR's Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.9 - Database Support Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. srdev

    Paid SR's Newbie Protection 1.4

    Protect newbies from getting raided too fast! Plugin features: Flexible PvE protection settings. Time based PvE protection for new players. Delay PvE protection start after server wipe. Allow players to disable PvE protection at any time. Prevent PvE protection abuse by PvP players. Ability...
  9. srdev

    SR's Newbie Protection [Paid]

    srdev submitted a new resource: Newbie Protection - Protect newbies from getting raided too fast! Read more about this resource...
  10. srdev

    Free SR's Structure Limits - v1.8.1 - Fix

    Fixed issue when limit was not counted properly.
  11. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.8.1 - Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. srdev

    UnicodeRCON ASA

    Rolled out an update to fix that.
  13. srdev

    Free UnicodeRCON ASA - v1.1 - Bugfix

    Fixed an issue that was not loading some stuff until player joins.
  14. srdev

    UnicodeRCON ASA

    srdev updated UnicodeRCON ASA with a new update entry: v1.1 - Bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. srdev

    SR's Solo Farm

    It is a group permission, use Permissions.Grant Default solofarm
  16. srdev

    Free SR's Structure Limits - v1.8 - Performance Update

    -- Reverted Asynchronous Structure Update version -- Reverted Visual Studio Update that caused Error 1114 Rewritten function that was updating structure count every N seconds. Now it fires only once at server start and structure count is updated by game events. Removed "CheckInterval"...
  17. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.8 - Performance Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.8 - Asynchronous Structure Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. srdev

    SR's Structure Limits

    srdev updated Structure Limits with a new update entry: v1.8 - Asynchronous Structure Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. srdev

    Free SR's Solo Farm - v1.3 - Slotcap

    Now if dino is slotcapped, it will stop hitting.