Easy player and tribe management!
Plugin features:
- Setup tags for players and tribes like
. - Return EOS, Player, Tribe identifiers and names by simple shortcuts.
- Wide database logging for player and tribes.
- Dynamic player and tribe name editing.
- Block specific player and tribe names using regular expressions. (regex)
- Player join and leave timestamp logging.
- Easy to migrate and setup.
Chat, Console & RCON Shortcuts:
How does that work?You write a shortcut like
and it will turn into EOS identifier of selected player with 1
Unique identifier.This works for console and chat interactions.
- Return EOS of player.{pid:uid}
/ {playerid:uid}
- Return PlayerID of player.{tid:tribeuid}
/ {tribeid:tribeuid}
- Return TribeID of tribe.{to:tribeuid}
/ {tribeowner:tribeuid}
- Return EOS of tribe owner.{ptid:uid}
/ {playertribeid:uid}
- Return Player Tribe id.{pos:uid}
/ {posleft:uid}
/ {positionleft:uid}
- Return Position where player left or "Dead" text if player is dead.{pn:uid}
/ {playername:uid}
- Return Player name.{tn:tribeuid}
/ {tribename:tribeuid}
- Return Tribe name.{ton:tribeuid}
/ {tribeownername:tribeuid}
- Return Tribe Owner name.Commands:
AUserID.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.
"LicenseKey": "", # Your License Key
"Mysql": { # MySQL Database Credentials
"MysqlHost": "localhost", # MySQL Host
"MysqlUser": "plugindb", # MySQL User
"MysqlPass": "123", # MySQL Password
"MysqlDB": "ark_database", # MySQL Database
"MysqlTable_Tribes": "uid_tribes", # MySQL Table for Tribes
"MysqlTable_Players": "uid_players", # MySQL Table for Players
"MysqlPort": 3306 # MySQL Port
"MapName": { # Specify MapName for database
"Identifier": "Server1", # ServerKey Identifier
"GetAsIdentifier": true, # Use Identifier above as database MapName
"GetMapName": false, # Use normal map name such as TheIsland_WP for database MapName
"GetServerName": false # Use server name as database MapName
"UID": { # UserID Settings
"MaxPlayerNameLength": 15, # Max player name length in symbols, recommended to keep at 15 (including UserID), game maximum is 20 (not including UserID)
"MaxTribeNameLength": 19, # Max tribe name length in symbols, recommended to keep at 19 (including UserID), game maximum is 24 (not including UserID)
"PlayerNameFormat": "{}#{}", # Player name UserID format (Human#9999)
"TribeNameFormat": "{}#{}", # Tribe name UserID format (Humans#9999)
"TribeCreationCooldown": 1800, # Tribe creation cooldown in seconds to prevent database spamming (default is 30 minutes)
"RenameDefaultTribeNames": true # Rename default tribe names such as "Tribe of Human" to random name from "tribenames.txt" in plugin folder
"NameBlocking": { # Name Blocking
"Tribes": [ # Name Blocking for tribes
"badguys", # Will block only badguys
"[^a-zA-Z]" # Will block non english symbols
"Players": [ # Name Blocking for players
"badguy", # Will block only badguy
"[^a-zA-Z\\s]" # Will block non english symbols and spaces
"Messages": { # Messages
"TribeCreationCooldown": { # Will appear when player is on cooldown after creating a tribe
"Message": "Tribe creation is on cooldown! You can create tribes every 30 minutes.", # Message Text
"DisplayTime": 10, # Display Time
"TextSize": 1.6, # Text Size for ASAAPI Utils
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ] # Color in R G B format
"NameIsTooLong": { # Will display when tribe or player name is too long
"Message": "Name is too long! Max size is {0} symbols.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 1.6,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"NameIsBlocked": { # Will display if name is blocked
"Message": "This name is blocked! Try something else.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 1.6,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]