SR's Newbie Protection (ASE)

Paid SR's Newbie Protection (ASE) 1.5

No permission to buy (€34.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased

Protect newbies from getting raided too fast!

Plugin features:

  • Flexible PvE protection settings.
  • Time based PvE protection for new players.
  • Delay PvE protection start after server wipe.
  • Allow players to disable PvE protection at any time.
  • Prevent PvE protection abuse by PvP players.
  • Ability to ignore structures like Sleeping Bags.
  • Ability to protect only structures.
  • Anti griefing feature set.
  • MySQL database support for clusters.


/pvestatus (Chat) - Shows your tribes (or character) PvE mode status, time left and if you're already in PvP mode.
/pvestatus self (Chat) - Shows PvE status of your own character.
/checkpve (Chat) - Checks PvE mode status on structure you're looking at.
/pveoff confirm (Chat) - Disable PvE mode.

newbieprotection.setpvetarget time in seconds (Console) - Set PvE timer for structure owner you're looking at.
newbieprotection.getpvetarget (Console) - Get PvE Time left for structure you're looking at.

newbieprotection.setpveplayer eos time in seconds (Console & RCON) - Set PvE timer for player by EOS Id.
newbieprotection.setpvetribe tribeid time in seconds (Console & RCON) - Set PvE timer for tribe owner and tribe by Tribe Id.

NewbieProtection.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.

    "LicenseKey": "", # Your Newbie Protection plugin license key.
    "Mysql": { # Datbase credentials
        "MysqlHost": "localhost", # Host / IP
        "MysqlUser": "plugindb", # User
        "MysqlPass": "123", # Password
        "MysqlDB": "ark_database", # Database
        "MysqlTable_Tribe": "NP_Tribes", # Tribes Table
        "MysqlTable_Players": "NP_Players", # Players Table
        "MysqlPort": 3306 # Port
    "PvEModeSettings": { # PvE Settings
        "PvETimerInMinutes": 4320, # Time new players (managed by database) will be assigned PvE protection for.
        # To wipe players Truncate or Drop NP_Players and NP_Tribes tables.
        # In this example you have 3 days in minutes. (1440 * 3)
        "DelayPvEAfterStartInMinutes": 120, # Delay PvE protection when server is freshly wiped.
        # This value stacks with PvE Timer so it is always 3 days even if wipe timer is already going.
        "IgnoreAdmin": false, # Ignore Admins in some actions.
        "C4PlacementRange": 1500, # Range where C4 Placement or Activation is blocked for protected players.
        "BlockPlacingC4NearProtected": true, # Blocks placing and activating C4 near protected players or by protected players.
        "BlockPvEDamagePvPStructures": true, # Blocks PvE players from damaging PvP structures.
        "BlockWildDinoDamage": true, # Blocks wild dino damage for structures.
        "ProtectOnlyStructures": false, # Option to protect only structures, dinos and players will get damage even if protected.
        "PreventPvPJoiningPvETribe": true, # Prevent PvP players from joining PvE tribe, though if they join PvE will be recalculated and removed from the target tribe.
        "BlockCarryingPvECharacters": true, # Block carrying PvE character by flying dinos, megalosaurus and some other tames that have ability to do so.
        "BlockDraggingPvECharacters": true, # Block dragging PvE characters bodies.
        "ProtectRafts": true, # Protect Rafts. Additional protection field that allows you to make some dinos or rafts in that case protected when ProtectOnlyStructures is True.
        "Rafts": [ # Rafts Array
            "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Items/Raft/PrimalItemRaft.PrimalItemRaft'", # Wooden Raft
            "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Items/Raft/PrimalItemMotorboat.PrimalItemMotorboat'" # Motorboat
        "UseIgnoredStructures": true, # Used to ignore structures from protection, such as Sleeping Bags. If something is included there - it is open to be destroyed by any player, protected or not.
        "IgnoredStructures": [ # Ignored Structures Array
            "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/SleepingBag.SleepingBag'" # Sleeping Bag
    # Message Format
    "MessageID": { # Don't touch that Identifier
        "MessageText": "Hello World", # Message Text that can be edited, supports unicode.
        "DisplayTime": 10, # Display Time for Notification, comparing to other plugins that send messages, this one doesn't spam and just updates the timer left until message disappears.
        "Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ] # [ Red, Green, Blue ] Notification color, use to pick what you want for it.
    "Commands": { # Chat Commands that are available to players.
        "PvEStatus": { # PvE Status command, allows to check how much time you have left until PvP starts or ends.
            "Command": "/pvestatus", # Command Name.
            "SelfArgument": "self", # Argument to check only self timer. /pvestatus self will only display your internal player timer instead of tribe.
            "Messages": {
                "PvEDelay": { # Message that displays when PvE is delayed after wipe.
                    "Message": "PvE mode activates in {}.", # Message Text
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0, # Display Time
                    "TextSize": 2.0, # Text Size
                    "Color": [ 255, 75, 0 ]
                "SelfPvETimeLeft": { # This message will display when you're not in tribe or using /pvestatus self and is displaying time you have left until PvP mode.
                    "Message": "You are in PvE mode! You have {} left until PvP.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
                "SelfAlreadyInPvP": { # This message will display when you're not in tribe or using /pvestatus self and is displaying that you are in PvP mode.
                    "Message": "You are in PvP mode!",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 75, 0 ]
                "TribePvETimeLeft": { # This message will display when you're in tribe and is displaying time you have left until PvP mode.
                    "Message": "Your tribe is in PvE mode! You have {} left until PvP.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 1.5,
                    "Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
                "TribeAlreadyInPvP": { # This message will display when you're in tribe and is displaying that you're in PvP mode.
                    "Message": "Your tribe is in PvP mode!",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 75, 0 ]
        "PvECheck": { # PvE Check command, allows other players to check what's up with that tribe and how much time do they have left until PvE ends or if they're in PvP already.
            "Command": "/checkpve", # Command Name.
            "PvECheckShowTime": false, # Shows time if True when target has PvE.
            "Messages": {
                "CheckPvETargetIsPvP": { # This message displays when target tribe is in PvP mode.
                    "Message": "Target tribe is in PvP mode!",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 75, 0 ]
                "CheckPvETargetIsPvE": { # This message displays when target tribe in PvE mode.
                    "Message": "Target tribe is in PvE mode!{}",
                    "TimeFormat": "\nThey have {} left until PvP.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
        "PvEDisable": { # PvE Disable command, allows players to disable their PvE status before it ends naturally.
            "Command": "/pveoff", # Command Name.
            "ConfirmArgument": "confirm", # Argument to confirm their decision.
            "OnlyOwnerCanDisablePvE": true, # If True then only Owner will have ability to disable PvE. (Recommended to have always as True)
            "RequireConfirmationToDisablePvE": true, # Require confirmation to disable PvE. (Recommended to have always as True)
            "Messages": {
                "OnlyOwnerCanDisablePvE": { # If Member or Admin is trying to disable PvE and setting that makes only Owner able to disable PvE is True this message will display.
                    "Message": "PvE can only be disabled by Tribe Owner.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
                "NotInPvE": { # Displays when tribe has no active PvE status.
                    "Message": "You don't have active PvE status.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 1.8,
                    "Color": [ 255, 255, 0]
                "ConfirmPvEDisable": { # PvE Disable Confirmation message.
                    "Message": "You must write \"{}\" to disable PvE mode!",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
                "PvEDisable": { # Message that will display when PvE is disabled.
                    "Message": "Your PvE is disabled, GL HF!",
                    "DisplayTime": 10.0,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 75, 0 ]
    "Messages": {
        "Seconds": "{} seconds", # Seconds Format
        "Minute": "{} minutes", # Minutes Format
        "Hour": "{} hours", # Hours Format
        "HrMinute": "{} hours {} minutes", # Hours and Minutes Format
        "DamagingPvEStructure": { # If PvP player is trying to damage PvE structure
            "Message": "You cannot damage a structure that is in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "DamagingStructuresFromPvEMode": { # If PvE player is trying to damage PvP structure
            "Message": "You cannot damage players structures while being in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "DamagingPvEPlayer": { # If PvP player is trying to damage PvE player
            "Message": "You cannot damage a player that is in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "DamagingPlayersFromPvEMode": { # If PvE player is trying to damage PvP player
            "Message": "You cannot damage other players while being in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "DamagingPvEDino": { # If PvP player is trying to damage PvE dino
            "Message": "You cannot damage a dino that is in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "DamagingDinosFromPvEMode": { # If PvE player is trying to damage PvP dino
            "Message": "You cannot damage other players dinos while being in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantJoinProtectedTribe": { # Displays when PvP player is trying to join a PvE tribe and setting blocking that is set to True
            "Message": "You cannot join a tribe that is in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 10.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantAcceptPvPPlayer": { # Displays to tribe trying to accept PvP player while being in PvE
            "Message": "You cannot accept a player that is in PvP mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 10.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantDragPvECharacter": { # Displays when you're trying to drag protected character that is not in your tribe
            "Message": "You cannot drag a player that is in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantCarryPvECharacter": { # Displays when you're trying to pickup protected character that is not in your tribe
            "Message": "You cannot carry a creature that is in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 3.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantPlaceC4NearProtectedEnemyStructures": { # Displays when you're trying to place C4 near protected structures.
            "Message": "You cannot place C4 near enemy structures in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 10.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantPlaceC4NearProtectedEnemyCreatures": { # Displays when you're trying to place C4 near protected creatures.
            "Message": "You cannot place C4 near enemy creatures in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 10.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantDetonateC4NearProtectedEnemyStructures": { # Displays when you're trying to detonate C4 near protected structures.
            "Message": "You cannot detonate C4 near enemy structures in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 10.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
        "CantDetonateC4NearProtectedEnemyCreatures": { # Displays when you're trying to detonate C4 near protected creatures.
            "Message": "You cannot detonate C4 near enemy creatures in PvE mode.",
            "DisplayTime": 10.0,
            "TextSize": 1.4,
            "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]

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