Limit stats of players & creatures!
Plugin features:
- Limit stats of players.
- Limit stats of creatures globally.
- Limit stats for specific creatures.
StatLimiter.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.
"PlayerLimits": { # Limits that will be applied to all players
"Health": 5, # Limit of health in points (Means that stat can be leveled 5 times)
"Stamina": 5, # Limit of stamina
"Oxygen": 5, # Limit of oxygen
"Food": 5, # Limit of food
"Water": 5, # Limit of water
"Weight": 5, # Limit of weight
"MeleeDamageMultiplier": 5, # Limit of Melee Damage
"TemperatureFortitude": 5, # Limit of Fortitude
"CraftingSpeedMultiplier": 5 # Limit of Crafting Speed
"DinoLimits": { # Limits that will be applied to specific dinos or global values
"Global": { # Global value (Applies to every creature)
"Health": 5, # Limit of health
"Stamina": 5, # Limit of stamina
"Oxygen": 5, # Limit of oxygen
"Food": 5, # Limit of food
"Weight": 5, # Limit of weight
"MeleeDamageMultiplier": 5, # Limit of Melee Damage
"SpeedMultiplier": 5, # Limit of Movement Speed
"CraftingSpeedMultiplier": 5 # Limit of Crafting Speed (Used on Gachas)
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/Gigant_Character_BP.Gigant_Character_BP'": { # Giganotosaurus
"Health": 0, # Use 0 to prevent leveling this stat
"Stamina": 0,
"Oxygen": 0,
"Food": 0,
"Weight": 0,
"MeleeDamageMultiplier": -1, # Use -1 for no limits
"SpeedMultiplier": 0,
"CraftingSpeedMultiplier": 0
"Messages": {
"Message": "This stat reached cap and cannot be leveled further!" # Message that will be displayed if limit was reached