Limit structures from being placed on something.
Plugin features:
- Block structures from placing on other structures.
- Restrict placement of structures on ground.
- Block placing structures near enemy structures.
PlaceRestrictor.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.
"Debug": false, # Enables PlacedOn and PlacedWhat logging types
"GlobalEnemyStructureCheckRange": 3000, # Global block for all structures by default. Will check if enemy structure is too close to structure player is trying to place. (10 foundations) 300 pts - 1 foundation
# PlacedOn - Displays where structure that you recently placed was on as blueprint
# PlacedWhat - Displays what did you place as blueprint
"Structures": { # Structures that will be checked where they were placed on
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/BuildingBases/StructureTurretTek.StructureTurretTek'": { # Structure blueprint (Tek Turret)
"EnemyStructureCheckRange": 3000, # 10 foundations
"BlockPlacingOn": [ # Array of structures that structure above is blocked to place on
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/TekTier/Floor_Tek.Floor_Tek'", # Tek Foundation
"Ground" # Ground, just Ground, nothing else
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/BuildingBases/StructureTurretBaseBP_Heavy.StructureTurretBaseBP_Heavy'": { # Heavy Turret
"EnemyStructureCheckRange": -1, # No limits
"BlockPlacingOn": [
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/SleepingBag.SleepingBag'": { # Sleeping Bag
"EnemyStructureCheckRange": 900 # 3 foundations
"IgnoreEnemyChecks": [ # Ignore checking if enemy structure is too close.
"Messages": {
"NotificationDisplayTime": 4, # Time to display notification
"PlacementRestricted": "This structure can't be placed on this!" # Message that will display if structure is restricted to place on something