Let players have their engrams fast & easy!
Plugin features:
- Auto unlock engrams on spawn or level up.
- Block unlocking tekgrams.
- Command based engram unlock or mindwipe.
- Ability to refund engram points and configure level requirements.
- Permissions integration for commands and auto unlock event.
/giveengrams (Chat) - Execute flexible unlock engrams event./mindwipe (Chat) - Mindwipe your character engrams. (Doesn't mindwipe Tek)
EnhancedEngrams.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.
"AutoDetectEngrams": true, # If False then engrams will be populated from Engrams.txt. When True will use ExcludeEngrams.txt to exclude them.
"IgnoreLevelRequirement": false, # If True then all engrams will be learned on any unlock engram event. When False will learn engrams that are available on character level.
"RefundEngramPoints": false, # Refunds engram points used when something is learned, otherwise 0
"UnlockTek": false, # Allow unlocking tek on any unlock engram event.
"AutoUnlock": false, # Auto unlock engrams when character levels.
"AutoUnlockPermission": "autounlockengrams", # Permission to enable auto unlock for player.
"UnlockEngramsOnRespawn": false, # Unlocks engrams on respawn.
"Commands": {
"GiveEngrams": { # /giveengrams command to execute unlock engram event and learn all available engrams.
"Command": "/giveengrams", # Command name.
"Permission": "giveengrams", # Command permission.
"MinLevel": 1, # Minimum level to use command.
"Messages": {
"NoPermissions": "You don't have permissions to execute that command!",
"Unlocked": "All available engrams were unlocked!",
"LowLevel": "Your level is too low! Minimum required level is {}"
"Mindwipe": { # /mindwipe command to clear all engrams player has.
"Command": "/mindwipe",
"Permission": "mindwipe",
"Messages": {
"NoPermissions": "You don't have permissions to execute that command!",
"Success": "All stats and engrams were reset!"