Let your players retrieve their dead bodies!
This plugin originally came from ASA and has same license with it!
Plugin features:
- Setup cooldowns for PvP and command usage.
- ARKShop integration with points.
- Permission controlled cooldowns and shop costs.
- Full Console & RCON support.
- Restore player bodies as item cache, without getting them in inventory.
/getloot index (Chat) - Restore body or item cache by index or latest death without including arguments./myloot (Chat) - Shows all bodies that exist on the map.
deathretriever.findloot EOS (Console & RCON) - Shows dead bodies of player.
deathretriever.removecooldown EOS (Console & RCON) - Remove death or command cooldown from player.
deathretriever.restore EOS RetrieveAsBody ReturnToTarget index (Console) - Restore body or item cache of player to yourself or to them.
deathretriever.restore EOS RetrieveAsBody index (RCON) - Restore body or item cache for player.
- RetrieveAsBody and ReturnToTarget are 0/1 arguments. So it is 0 or 1 to be False or True
DeathRetriever.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.
"LicenseKey": "", # Your License Key
"Mysql": { # MySQL Credentials
"MysqlHost": "localhost", # MySQL Host
"MysqlUser": "plugindb", # MySQL User
"MysqlPass": "123", # MySQL Password
"MysqlDB": "ark_database", # MySQL Database
"MysqlTable_Players": "DeathRetriever", # MySQL Table
"MysqlPort": 3306 # MySQL Port
"Commands": { # Command List
"Restore": { # Chat Command to Restore dead bodies /getloot (index), if empty arguments will pickup latest body.
"Command": "/getloot", # Command Name
"Permissions": { # Command Permissions
"Default": { # Group Name
"Priority": 0, # Group Priority (Higher - Better)
"Enabled": true, # Is Command Enabled for that group?
"RestoreAsItemCache": true, # If True will restore as item cache or body, if False will restore as items
"CooldownIfDiedFromEnemy": 600, # Cooldown for this command if player died from enemy
"RestoreCooldown": 21600, # Cooldown after this command was used
"CommandCost": 10 # ARKShop points required to use that command
"Admins": {
"Priority": 1,
"Enabled": true,
"RestoreAsItemCache": true,
"CooldownIfDiedFromEnemy": -1, # -1 is ignore
"RestoreCooldown": -1,
"CommandCost": -1
"Messages": {
"CommandDisabled": { # This message will display if it command is not enabled for group player has.
"Message": "You don't have permission to use that command.", # Message Text
"DisplayTime": 10, # Display Time
"TextSize": 2.0, # Text Size for ASAAPI Utils
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ] # R G B Colors
"NotEnoughPoints": { # This message will display if player does not have enough points to use that command. {0} is amount of required points.
"Message": "Not enough points ({0}) to use that command.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 2.0,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"DiedFromEnemy": { # This message will display if player recently died from an enemy and has a cooldown. {0} is time.
"Message": "You were recently killed by the enemy team, try again in {0}.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 1.6,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"Cooldown": { # This message will display if command is on cooldown. {0} is time.
"Message": "Chill! Command is not ready yet, try again in {0}.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 1.6,
"Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
"ItemsNotFound": { # This message will display if plugin didn't find any active bodies or caches.
"Message": "You don't have any active item caches or bodies to get.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 2.0,
"Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
"InvalidIndex": { # This message will display if body or cache index is invalid.
"Message": "This index is not found.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 2.0,
"Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
"ItemsRestored": { # This message will display if execution was succesful! {0} is time.
"Message": "Your items were restored! This command is set on cooldown for {0}.",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 1.6,
"Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
"MyLoot": { # Command to display loot player has on the map.
"Command": "/myloot", # Command Name
"Messages": {
"LineBody": "\nId: {0} - Body - Expires in: {1} - Items: {2}", # Format to display bodies {0} is id {1} is time {2} is item count.
"LineCache": "\nId: {0} - Item Cache - Expires in: {1} - Items: {2}", # Format to display caches
"Display": {
"Message": "Found {0} bodies and {1} item caches!\nUse /getloot (id) to retrieve items.\nNotice that this command will cost you {2} points.{3}", # Format for first line. {0} is body count {1} is item cache count {2} is points required to execute command {3} is lines.
"DisplayTime": 10,
"TextSize": 1.4,
"Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
"Messages": {
"Seconds": "{} seconds",
"Minute": "{} minutes",
"Hour": "{} hours",
"HrMinute": "{} hours {} minutes"