Make it easy to allow players join exclusive or full servers!
Plugin Features:
- Exclusive join by permission group or single EOS id.
- Allow players to join full servers by permission group or single EOS id.
- Live changes of the configuration! No need to restart the server.
- Prompt players with custom message when they're not allowed to join whitelisted server.
- Easily get player EOS id when they click "Join" on your server.
Console & RCON Commands:
BetterWhitelist.Reload - Reload plugin configuration.
"AllowJoinFullServer": true, # Allows whitelisted players & groups to join server when it is full by passing 2 capacity checks on login.
"OnlyWhitelisted": false, # Makes server accept ONLY whitelisted players & groups.
"DebugPreLogin": false, # Shows EOS ID when player clicks "Join" on your server. (Can be used when server is full)
"DebugPostLogin": false, # Shows EOS ID when player fully joins the server.
"KickMessage": "You are not whitelisted on this server!", # Message for "OnlyWhitelisted": true, shows up when player gets kicked.
"WhitelistedGroups": [ # List of whitelisted permissions group
"WhitelistedPlayers": [ # List of whitelisted players