Lethal Sightings

Lethal Sightings [Paid] 2.07

No permission to buy ($29.99)


Staff member
Lethal submitted a new resource:

Lethal Sightings - Spawn Special Rare Dinos and Special Rewards

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Lethal Sightings - Spawn Special Rare Dinos and Special Rewards
Killing provides special loot that you can specify from a loot list in the config
Taming provides potentially powerful dinos with color mutations and higher stats

Rare Dinos
Set max rares allowed...

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Lethal updated Lethal Sightings with a new update entry:


Lethal Sightings v2.07
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Changed random spawn delay logic: Time is now configurable. (previously was 0 to 59)
Added RandomStartupSpawnDelayMin //Minimum delay in minutes
Added RandomStartupSpawnDelayMax //Maximum delay in minutes
Added SpawnFrequencyChance to allow an actual chance to fail/succeed a rare spawn.
Removed SpawnChances as...

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