
Items+ [Paid] 3.05 Beta 2

No permission to buy ($29.99)


Staff member
Lethal submitted a new resource:

Items+ - Overflow Protection, Death Inventory Saver, Item Weight, Limited Blueprint Crafts and more

First time purchasing one of my plugins?
Please read over this before purchasing

Note: unloading/loading the plugin or reloading config changes are not supported for the upload system or weight system. Plugin must be installed and updated while server is offline.

Buffer overflow protection when transferring between clustered...

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Lethal updated Items+ with a new update entry:


Items+ v3.02
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed - Removing WeightReducedByPercent from the General section would cause a weight display issue when using the companion mod.
Setting "WeightReducedByPercent": 0 will also fix the issue in 3.01

Added an upload delay for Ascension boss kills under ItemUploadsAndOverflowProtection
"AscensionDelayTime": 10...

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Lethal updated Items+ with a new update entry:

3.05 Beta 2

Items+ v3.05 Beta 2
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

* Added upload slot cap limit setting to ItemUploadsAndOverflowProtection
"MaxUploadSlots": -1, //-1 disables slot cap limit //0 will basically disable using `/upload` command //1+ will limit the number of slots that can be uploaded to what you set for the `/upload` command //transferring will still work and upload items regardless of this limit
* Added new...

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