Source: Click Here
Chat Commands:
Console Commands:
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide, Plugins take time to create some hours some days and I keep 99% of them open source for others to learn from.
Source: Click Here
- Teleport to offline players
- Player teleport request using /tpr
- TPR Cooldowns limits
- TPR Dino limits
- TPR Teleport Distance limits
- TPR Teleport Delay
- Admin Teleport to player
- Admin Teleport player to yourself
- Admin Teleport dinosaur looking at
- Admin Teleport tamed dinos within distance
- Admin Teleport other players tamed dinos within distance
- Admin Teleport to Position X, Y, Z
- Admin Position output
- Customise messages
Chat Commands:
- /tpr <CharacterName> - Request a teleport to a player
- /tpa - Accept the teleport request from a player
Console Commands:
- cheat offline <CharacterName> - Admin lookup offline players
- cheat otp <ID> - Admin teleport to offline players
- cheat tp <CharacterName> - Admin Teleport to a character
- cheat tpm <CharacterName> - Admin Teleport character to you
- cheat tt - Admin Teleport the dinosaur you are looking at to you (pretty close range)
- cheat tpd <Distance> - Admin Teleport all tribe tamed dinos to you <Distance> : 1 - 8000
- cheat tpdp <Distance> <CharacterName> - Admin Teleport a players tribe tamed dinos to you
- cheat tpp <X> <Y> <Z> - Admin Teleport to position
- cheat pos - Admin output current position
- cheat treload - Reload Teleport Config
- TPREnabled - Enable Player teleport requests: true or false value only
- TPRCoolDownEnabled - Cooldown before player can tpr again
- TPRCoolDownForPlayerTeleportedTo - Apply cooldown to player being teleported to
- TPRCoolDownSeconds - How long cooldown lasts in seconds
- TPRDelaySeconds - The delay in seconds before a teleport requested player teleports
- TPRMaxDistance - The max distance a teleport request player can teleport apart from each other -1 to disable
- TPRAllowDinoTeleport - Allow dinosaurs to teleport with teleport requested player this in no way effects admin commands
- Messages - its ok to change these just make sure to leave all the {} in the string
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide, Plugins take time to create some hours some days and I keep 99% of them open source for others to learn from.

Donate to Steven Corner
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