SR's Death Retriever

Paid SR's Death Retriever 1.3

No permission to buy (€19.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased

Let your players retrieve their dead bodies!

Plugin features:

  • Setup cooldowns for PvP and command usage.
  • ARKShop integration with points.
  • Permission controlled cooldowns and shop costs.
  • Full Console & RCON support.
  • Restore player bodies as item cache, without getting them in inventory.


/getloot index (Chat) - Restore body or item cache by index or latest death without including arguments.
/myloot (Chat) - Shows all bodies that exist on the map.

deathretriever.findloot EOS (Console & RCON) - Shows dead bodies of player.
deathretriever.removecooldown EOS (Console & RCON) - Remove death or command cooldown from player.
deathretriever.restore EOS RetrieveAsBody ReturnToTarget index (Console) - Restore body or item cache of player to yourself or to them.
deathretriever.restore EOS RetrieveAsBody index (RCON) - Restore body or item cache for player.
- RetrieveAsBody and ReturnToTarget are 0/1 arguments. So it is 0 or 1 to be False or True

DeathRetriever.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.

    "LicenseKey": "", # Your License Key
    "Mysql": { # MySQL Credentials
        "MysqlHost": "localhost", # MySQL Host
        "MysqlUser": "plugindb", # MySQL User
        "MysqlPass": "123", # MySQL Password
        "MysqlDB": "ark_database", # MySQL Database
        "MysqlTable_Players": "DeathRetriever", # MySQL Table
        "MysqlPort": 3306 # MySQL Port
    "Commands": { # Command List
        "Restore": { # Chat Command to Restore dead bodies /getloot (index), if empty arguments will pickup latest body.
            "Command": "/getloot", # Command Name
            "DragBodyAfterRetrieve": true, # Will automatically try to drag the body player retrieved.
            "Permissions": { # Command Permissions
                "Default": { # Group Name
                    "Priority": 0, # Group Priority (Higher - Better)
                    "Enabled": true, # Is Command Enabled for that group?
                    "RestoreAsItemCache": true, # If True will restore as item cache or body, if False will restore as items
                    "CooldownIfDiedFromEnemy": 600, # Cooldown for this command if player died from enemy
                    "RestoreCooldown": 21600, # Cooldown after this command was used
                    "CommandCost": 10 # ARKShop points required to use that command
                "Admins": {
                    "Priority": 1,
                    "Enabled": true,
                    "RestoreAsItemCache": true,
                    "CooldownIfDiedFromEnemy": -1, # -1 is ignore
                    "RestoreCooldown": -1,
                    "CommandCost": -1
            "Messages": {
                "CommandDisabled": { # This message will display if it command is not enabled for group player has.
                    "Message": "You don't have permission to use that command.", # Message Text
                    "DisplayTime": 10, # Display Time
                    "TextSize": 2.0, # Text Size for ASAAPI Utils
                    "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ] # R G B Colors
                "NotEnoughPoints": { # This message will display if player does not have enough points to use that command. {0} is amount of required points.
                    "Message": "Not enough points ({0}) to use that command.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
                "DiedFromEnemy": { # This message will display if player recently died from an enemy and has a cooldown. {0} is time.
                    "Message": "You were recently killed by the enemy team, try again in {0}.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
                "Cooldown": { # This message will display if command is on cooldown. {0} is time.
                    "Message": "Chill! Command is not ready yet, try again in {0}.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
                "ItemsNotFound": { # This message will display if plugin didn't find any active bodies or caches.
                    "Message": "You don't have any active item caches or bodies to get.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
                "InvalidIndex": { # This message will display if body or cache index is invalid.
                    "Message": "This index is not found.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 2.0,
                    "Color": [ 255, 255, 0 ]
                "ItemsRestored": { # This message will display if execution was succesful! {0} is time.
                    "Message": "Your items were restored! This command is set on cooldown for {0}.",
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 1.6,
                    "Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
        "MyLoot": { # Command to display loot player has on the map.
            "Command": "/myloot", # Command Name
            "Messages": {
                "LineBody": "\nId: {0} - Body - Expires in: {1} - Items: {2}", # Format to display bodies {0} is id {1} is time {2} is item count.
                "LineCache": "\nId: {0} - Item Cache - Expires in: {1} - Items: {2}", # Format to display caches
                "Display": {
                    "Message": "Found {0} bodies and {1} item caches!\nUse /getloot (id) to retrieve items.\nNotice that this command will cost you {2} points.{3}", # Format for first line. {0} is body count {1} is item cache count {2} is points required to execute command {3} is lines.
                    "DisplayTime": 10,
                    "TextSize": 1.4,
                    "Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
    "Messages": {
        "Seconds": "{} seconds",
        "Minute": "{} minutes",
        "Hour": "{} hours",
        "HrMinute": "{} hours {} minutes"

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. This plugin is now supported on ASE!

    Now you can use same license from ASA with ASE version. ARK: Survival Evolved Plugin...
  2. v1.3 - Fix

    Fixed issue where plugin didn't load or crashed without ArkShop Added prevention method to...
  3. v1.2 - Improved Commands

    Added new config option. "DragBodyAfterRetrieve" Removed "body/cache" related config options and...

Latest reviews

ASA really sucks at showing the location of death and the body/bag often remains in the texture.
If you want a simple solution for your players, here it is.
Functional, easy to set up and from an awesome developer.
This is an absolute must have plugin, with this you can let your players recover their corpses or item caches with ease! It works really good, it is simplistic and intuitive.