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Basic plugin to allow changing map day number
day.set day -> Example: day.set 10 would set the map's day to day 10
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"ForceDay": true, //Makes map stay at day specified below
"DayToForce": 1,
"FollowWeekCycle": false, // If true will sync week day with ingame days
"ResetWhenReachDay": false, // If true will reset to a day when set day is reached
"DayToReset": 10, // When this day is reached, server days are reset to the value below
"DayToSetWhenReset": 1
"ForceDay": true, //Makes map stay at day specified below
"DayToForce": 1,
"FollowWeekCycle": false, // If true will sync week day with ingame days
"ResetWhenReachDay": false, // If true will reset to a day when set day is reached
"DayToReset": 10, // When this day is reached, server days are reset to the value below
"DayToSetWhenReset": 1
Common issues:
- Q: I am getting error 126 when loading the plugin
- A: You need the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 as I compile my plugins with latest Visual Studio 2022.
Donate: If you like the plugin and want to support my development feel free to donate here:
I am always looking for new plugin ideas, and also I do custom jobs. Send me a direct message on discord to talk with me of any matter