SH KCC Utility

Bot SH KCC Utility 1.0

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This software is a discord bot
• Force Link Players
• Create Discord invite link for Players
• Search Current players
• Search Linked Players
• Remove Linked Players

Invite Discord Bot
Fill in config file.
Start Discord bot.

module.exports = {
token: '',
licenseKey: '',
guildId: '',

databse: { // Kals Cross Chat Database
host: '',
user: '',
password: '',
database: '',
port: 3306,
connectionLimit: 10,
linked: {
add: 0x00FF00, // Hex Colour for embed
remove: 0xFF0000, // Hex Colour for embed
search: 0x0000FF, // Hex Colour for embed
channelId: '1165114416514211939', // Channel ID where Logs should go
addCommand:'add_linked', // Main command for Linking Player (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces, Must be unique)
addSubCommand: 'player', // Sub command for Linking Player (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces)
addCommandDescription: 'Force link a player', // Description for the Ban Command
removeCommand:'remove_linked', // Main command for unlinking Player (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces)
removeSubCommand:'player', // Sub command for unlinking Player (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces)
removeCommandDescription: 'Remove player Link', // Description for the unlinking Command
searchCommand:'search_linked', // Main command for Searching Linked Players (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces)
searchSubCommand: 'players', // Sub command for Searching Linked Players (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces)
searchCommandDescription: 'Search a Steam ID or Discord ID', // Description for the Search Bans Command
searchephemeral: 'true',

commandOptions: {
referenceId: 'id',
referenceIdDescription: 'The Database Id of the linked user',
steamId: 'steam_id', // Command option for Steam ID (must be lowercase and Can not contain spaces)
steamIdDescription: 'The Steam ID of the player', // Steam ID command Description
discordid: 'dc_id',
discordidDescription: 'Add some notes for this exclusive player',
inviteCode: 'invite_link',
inviteCodeDescription: 'Add a link Code for the user',

// General Messages
messages: {
commandNotComplete: 'You are missing some arguments. Please check the command usage.',
idNotFound: 'Ban ID does not exist.',
logChannelNotSet: 'The report log channel has not been set yet. Please set it in the config.',
error: 'User is already added to whitelist',
success: 'Report added -> {message}.',
removeWhitelistPlayer: 'Something went wrong while trying to remove the report from the database.',
searchNoRecordsFound: 'No reports found.',

* Available placeholders:
* {SteamId} - Steam ID of the player
* {DiscordId} - Discord ID
* {Id} - Table ID
* {InviteCode} - Invite Code
addTitle: Steam and Discord Linked,
searchTitle: ID: {Id},
removeTitle: '{steamid} Removed.',
description: 'Steam link info for:\n<@{DiscordId}> ',
footer: 'Reported on',
removeFooter: 'Report removed on',
referenceId: 'Id',
referenceIdDescription: 'The id of the Link',
steamIdName: 'Steam ID:',
discordid: 'Discord ID:',
entrtyId: 'ID:',
inviteCode: 'Invite Code:',
multipleSearchFieldName: 'Details',
multipleSearchFieldValue: 'ID: {Id}\nSteam ID: {SteamId}\nDiscord ID: {DiscordId}',
currentPlayers: {
search: 0x0000FF, // Hex Colour for embed
subCommand: 'players',
CommandDescription: 'Search a Steam ID or Discord ID',
searchephemeral: 'true',

commandOptions: {
steamId: 'steam_id',
steamIdDescription: 'The Steam ID of the player',
serverKey: 'server_key',
serverKeyDescription: 'The Steam ID of the player',
characterName: 'character_name',
characterNameDescription: 'The character Name of the player',
tribeName: 'tribe_name',
tribeDescription: 'The Tribe Name of the player',

// General Messages
messages: {
commandNotComplete: 'You are missing some arguments. Please check the command usage.',
idNotFound: 'Ban ID does not exist.',
logChannelNotSet: 'The report log channel has not been set yet. Please set it in the config.',
error: 'User is already added to whitelist',
success: 'Report added -> {message}.',
removeWhitelistPlayer: 'Something went wrong while trying to remove the report from the database.',
searchNoRecordsFound: 'No reports found.',

* Available placeholders:
* {SteamId} - Steam ID of the player
* {SteamName} - Steam ID of the player
* {PlayerId} - Steam ID of the player
* {CharacterName} - Steam ID of the player
* {TribeId} - Steam ID of the player
* {TribeName} - Steam ID of the player
* {ServerKey} - Steam ID of the player
addTitle: Steam and Discord Linked,
searchTitle: {CharacterName},
removeTitle: '{steamid} Removed.',
description: '',
footer: 'Shadowhunter',
removeFooter: 'Report removed on',
serverKey: 'Server Key',
steamId: 'Steam ID:',
steamName: 'Steam Name',
playerId: 'Player ID',
characterId: 'Player ID',
characterName: 'Player Name',
tribeId: 'Tribe ID',
tribeName: 'Tribe Name',
multipleSearchFieldName: '____________\n*Details*',
multipleSearchFieldValue: 'Server: {ServerKey}\n\nSteam ID: {SteamId}\nSteam Name: {SteamName}\n\nPlayer ID: {PlayerId}\nPlayer Name: {CharacterName}\n\nTribe ID: {TribeId}\nTribe Name: {TribeName}',
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