No Wander+

Free No Wander+ 1.87

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The plugin is a very simple quality of life change.

The plugin will do the following if the setting is enabled.
• New baby dinos can be set to force wandering (useful for large dinos that are born underneath parents.
• When you claim a new baby this can automatically set it to Passive.
• When you claim a new baby this can automatically set it to ignore group whistles.
• When you tame/claim a new dino this can automatially set it to No Ally Looking.
• Randomly set dino names when claiming it.
• Set the dino name to the player name claiming it.
• Set default targeting range to high when claiming it.
• Set to target only conscious when claiming it.

Tribes are now able to override your server default settings based on their personal preferences.

• /NoWander (Will give usage information in game similar to this information)
• /NoWander ? (provides a list of server options and their default setting)
• /NoWander tribe (provides a list of tribe settings that you have set with the server default shown as well.)
• /NoWander <option> <on/off> (Using the option number and on or off you can change a setting. The <option> value can be obtained using the ? command)
• /NoWander 7 on (Will change your tribe settings to Randomly Name Dinos when claiming.)
• /NoWander 7 off (Will change your tribe settings to turn off the option to Randomly Name Dinos.)
• /NoWander stats (provides base breeding stats of the dino you are looking at tribe only or all dinos depending on server setting "DinoStatsTribeOnly")
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  1. 1.87

    NoWander+ v1.87 Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required Fixed a...