First time purchasing one of my plugins?
Please read over this before purchasing
Most Advanced Stat Tracker, Questing System including Daily/Weekly and Customizable Reward System
Create quest chains using the built-in and custom stats you create.
Create daily and weekly quest variations
Track 1000's of statistics using the custom tracking system.
Discord bot is available for leaderboard type display and personal player stats.
See below for more details and settings.
Important Plugin Requirements
Player Chat Command - Configurable
RCON/Console Commands
Built in tracking
Custom Tracking System
Build your advanced tracking however you want using the following 4 types:
You can track groups or single entries.
Note: Adding new custom tracking requires a map restart (adding a blueprint to an existing entry does not require a restart)
Quest System
This system is built using the extensive options available from all of the possible tracking stats.
You can create quest lines that walk players through a specific path of quests that unlock and complete as they progress.
You can create individual quests as well. I have provided around 10 example quests in the commented_config.json
Permissions support is enabled allowing for special quest chains for VIP's
Extensive reward system allowing each quest to have unique rewards you set, random rewards or even use a generic reward set.
Available reward types:
Added Permissions integration for the Quests see the commented_config for usage
Please read over this before purchasing
Most Advanced Stat Tracker, Questing System including Daily/Weekly and Customizable Reward System
Create quest chains using the built-in and custom stats you create.
Create daily and weekly quest variations
Track 1000's of statistics using the custom tracking system.
Discord bot is available for leaderboard type display and personal player stats.
See below for more details and settings.
Important Plugin Requirements
Player Chat Command - Configurable
RCON/Console Commands
Built in tracking
Custom Tracking System
Build your advanced tracking however you want using the following 4 types:
You can create nearly 4k custom tracking stats (MySQL limitation)
You can track groups or single entries.
Note: Adding new custom tracking requires a map restart (adding a blueprint to an existing entry does not require a restart)
Quest System
This system is built using the extensive options available from all of the possible tracking stats.
You can create quest lines that walk players through a specific path of quests that unlock and complete as they progress.
You can create individual quests as well. I have provided around 10 example quests in the commented_config.json
Permissions support is enabled allowing for special quest chains for VIP's
Extensive reward system allowing each quest to have unique rewards you set, random rewards or even use a generic reward set.
Available reward types:
Added Permissions integration for the Quests see the commented_config for usage