Item Collector FREE

Free Item Collector FREE 1.11

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A simple plugin to add Item Collectors to your server!
  • Currently collects fertilized eggs, Gacha crystals, dropped eggs, poop and snow owl pellets and more! Nine (9) Collectors in total.
  • Will only collect items dropped by tribe dinos, will not collect other tribes' items.
  • Configure and limit the number of collectors by permission.
  • Collection structures are configurable.
  • It will also rename the structure to item it is collecting when active.
  • Collectors are reloaded on map restart.
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!

** PLEASE NOTE: Group Permissions are used, not the Group Name. So, in your "Default" Group Name, you should also have a permission called "Default" (or whatever you want to call it, I chose Default) in order for the plugin to work correctly. **
PLEASE be sure you TEST as a PLAYER and not an Admin, and do not use the enablecheats command as this makes you Admin also.


Oil Collector
/collectoil - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting oil from Tusoteuthis and Basilosaurus in the area.

Pheonix Pearl Collector
/collectpearls - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Pheonix pearls in the area.

Achatina Paste Collector
/collectpaste - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Paste in the area.

Achatina Organic Polymer Collector
/collectpoly - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Organic Polymer in the area and convert it to regular Polymer.

Crystal Collector
/collectcrystals - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Gacha crystals in the area.

Fertilized Egg Collector
/collecteggsfert - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting fertilized eggs in the area.

Egg Collector
/collecteggs - will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting dropped eggs in the area.

Poop Collector
/collectpoop - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting poop in the area.

Pellet Collector
/collectpellets - will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting owl pellets in the area.

*Use the command again to toggle off the collector




        "UseTokens": false,   // if true then uses the TokenBank plugin, and price is the number of tokens needed to use command
        "RangeBubbleTrigger": "test",
        "DatabaseSaveIntervalMinutes": 15,
        "EggFertCheckIntervalMinutes": 3,
        "EggCheckIntervalMinutes": 5,
        "PoopCheckIntervalMinutes": 1,  // unclaimed poop decays in 60 seconds
        "PelletsCheckIntervalMinutes": 1, // unclaimed pellets decays in 60 seconds
                "Priority": 99,

                "CollectCrystalsEnabled": true,
                "CollectCrystalsLimit": 2,
                "CollectCrystalsPrice": 0,
                "CollectEggsFertEnabled": true,
                "CollectEggsFertLimit": 2,
                "CollectEggsFertPrice": 0,

                "CollectEggsEnabled":  true,
                "CollectEggsLimit":  2,
                "CollectEggsPrice":  0,

                "CollectPoopEnabled":  true,
                "CollectPoopLimit":  2,
                "CollectPoopPrice":  0,

                "CollectPelletsEnabled": true,
                "CollectPelletsLimit": 2,
                "CollectPelletsPrice": 0

        "CollectCrystals":{   // collects Gacha Crystals
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectcrystals",
            "TokenName": "CollectCrystals",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5, // how fast the player can use the command
            "FoundationDistanceLimit" : 5, // how close the player has to be to use the command
            "FoundationRange" : 40 // the number foundations within the range of the structure to collect fertilized eggs in
        "CollectEggsFert":{   // collects fertilized eggs
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collecteggsfert",
            "TokenName": "CollectEggsFert",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collecteggs",
            "TokenName": "CollectEggs",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpoop",
            "TokenName": "CollectPoop",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
        "CollectPellets":{   // collects snow owl pellets
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/collectpellets",
            "TokenName": "CollectPellets",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "FoundationRange": 40
        //The acceptable strucutures for item collection
        // Planned future versions of this plugin will auto distribute these items to their target containers
        // For example, poop will automatically goto dung beetles and compost bins, pellets will goto crop plots and Gacha's
        // so keep that in mind, that is why I put vaults in here instead of compost bins
        "Collectors": {
            "Crystal": [
            "EggFert": [
            "Egg": [
            "Poop": [
            "Pellet": [
            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Item Collector have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} points",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
                    "CollectFail": "This structure is already being used as a collector",
                    "CollectEggsFert": "This structure will now collect fertilized eggs",
                    "CollectEggs": "This structure will now collect eggs",
                    "CollectPoop": "This structure will now collect poop",
                    "CollectPellets": "This structure will now collect pellets",
                    "CollectCrystals": "This structure will now collect Gacha Crystals",
                    "CollectEggsFertOff": "This structure is no longer collecting fertilized eggs",
                    "CollectEggsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting eggs",
                    "CollectPoopOff": "This structure is no longer collecting poop",
                    "CollectPelletsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting snow owl pellets",
                    "CollectCrystalsOff": "This structure is no longer collecting Gacha Crystals",
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
                    "CollectEggsFertMax": "You have reached the max limit for Fertilized Egg Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectEggsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Egg Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPoopMax": "You have reached the max limit for Poop Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectPelletsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Snow Owl Pellet Collectors on this map",
                    "CollectCrystalsMax": "You have reached the max limit for Crystal Collectors on this map",
                    "GetCloser": "You are too far away to use this command",
                    "NoTarget": "You must be looking at a valid structure",
                    "NoTarget2": "You must be looking at your structure",
                    "NoTarget3": "You must be looking at the correct structure for this command",
                    "Collecting": "Collecting",
                    "EggsFert": "Fertilized Eggs",
                    "Eggs": "Eggs",
                    "Poop": "Poop",
                    "Pellets": "Pellets"

Config reload command: ItemCollector.reload

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