Extended RCON
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide.

- Over 60+ additional Rcon commands.
- All commands are self-documenting (send a command to get more info about what the command requires)
- A full list of commands is included in the release. See CommandList.txt
- Supports hot-load / hot-unload
- Built with API 1.02
- DestroyActorAll
- DestroyActorWild
- DestroyTribeAll
- DestroyTribeDinos
- DestroyTribePlayers
- DestroyTribeStructures
- GetActor
- GetActorsPos
- GetAllActors
- GetAllActorsBp
- GetDinoBP
- GetDinoPos
- GetOnlineNum
- GetPlayerName
- GetPlayerPos
- GetServerFrames
- GetTotalTames
- GetTotalWilds
- GetTribeIdOfPlayer
- GetTribeLog
And much more...
- Install ASA: Server API
- Copy the "ExtendedRcon" folder to "ArkApi/Plugins"
- Join -> https://discord.gg/hDP7ghz
- Write in the support channel or create a ticket.
Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide.