claimPanel: {
enabled: false,
channelId: '1281929286965530634',
uniqueId: 'claimPanel',
title: 'Claim Your Rewards',
description: 'Click a button to claim your points!',
color: 0x00FF00,
footer: 'Reward System',
buttons: [
role: '80982339429086003',
label: 'Claim Default Points',
style: 'success',
emoji: ':gift:', // Add a valid emojie. The CodeBlock removes it
claimAmount: 100,
cooldownMin: 1, // Cooldown in Minutes
enabled: true,
role: '1264617822709874769',
label: 'Claim Default Points',
style: 'success',
emoji: ':gift:', // [B]Add a valid emojie. The CodeBlock removes it[/B]
claimAmount: 100,
cooldownMin: 1, // Cooldown in Minutes
enabled: false,
// add more max 25 Buttons