Crosschat Ascended

Free + paid Crosschat Ascended 1.5.5

No permission to download
This resource is free, with optional premium version
  • Fixed some crashes on logout
  • Fixed a mysql crash
  • Fixed an issue with pms and emojis
  • Fixed PMs arriving twice
  • Improved logs for failed to parse server json errors
  • Fixed /ignore not working
  • Added /ignore to show a list of ignored people when no parameters are supplied
  • Fixed /online not respecting per player page setting
  • Added a background color/opacity setting for those using the asa api utils mod
"OnlinePlayerListBackgroundColor": [ 0, 0, 0 ], // if Asa Api Utils Mod is instlaled, this will be the background color
"OnlinePlayerListBackgroundOpacity": 1, // If Asa Api Utils Mod is installed, this will be the opacity of the background. 0 means no background and 1 means full background
  • Fixed an error on the database upgrade
  • Player preferences are updated quicker now
  • Added option to never ignore some permission groups:
  • "Premium": {
    "NeverIgnoredPermissionGroups": "Admins,Moderators"
  • Added word blacklist and auto mute
"WordBlacklist": { // Word blacklist. Playes with groups in NeverIgnoredPermissionGroups will not be muted for these words.
"BlockedWords": [ // The blocked words, in regex format or literal words
"AutoMuteMinutes": 5 // The amount of minutes to mute a player for when they say a blocked word. 0 to disable

Release 1.5 (1.4 skip)

Bot 1.3.9 recommended for this version (older bots will send to discord PM messages as global chat)

  • Fixed an error related to "DiscordName" column when bot wasn't ran at least once
  • Fixed an issue with formatting of players with just the "Default" permissions group
  • Improvements to SQL connection code
  • Added more data to the crosschat_servers' online players info
  • Added JSON config to change server names different than the serverkey names
  • Added {location} placeholder for join/leave messages
  • Added {playerid} placeholder for join/leave messages
  • Added following placeholders for join/leave messages:
{location} - X Y Z coords of the player
{playerid} - Player ID (UE Id) of the player
{platform} - Name of the platform where the player is joining from
  • Improved crash protection against database disconnections and further reconnections
  • Platform is now saved in database for further uses, after a player has talked in chat at least once
  • Added /online player list
  • Added more info on the server status json on the database:
Ingame day
Ingame time
World Time Seconds
Server Version
Total NPCs
Stasised NPCs
Active NPCs
  • Added section for changing map colors
  • Added /pm command, to send private messages cluster wide to someone:
/pm '<character name/discord name>' <message> - Sends a private message to a player
/r <message> - Respond to last pm received quickly
  • Added /ignore and /unignore commands, to ignore global/private messages from specific players
/ignore '<character name/discord name>' - starts ignoring that player. If no player param provided, it will show list of ignored people
/unignore '<name>' - Will stop ignoring that player

BOT Release 1.4.0

  • Added following placeholders for player lists, for server info:
{day} - In game day
{time} - In game hour:minutes
{worldtime} - World time seconds of server
{totalnpcs} - total npcs
{staticnpcs} - statised npcs
{activenpcs} - active npcs
{version} - Server version
  • Added "CooldownMinutes": 5, // Cooldown in minutes. Custom buttons cooldowns
  • Game sync now works with Timed permissions, removing them when permission expires as well
  • Added Unlink discord button to main panel, with confirmation dialog