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Free Command Logger 1.8

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Solved Issues:
• Fixed Rcon functions weren't being unloaded during unload
• Fixed When executing cl.reload it should also check if ExtraConsoleLog should be enabled (it's only being done to startup)
• Possible fixed Commands from AdminPermissions weren't sent (Logic has been revisited and reworked, I wasn't able to really narrow down the issue but in theory, it should work)

• Support for argument for mapname -serverkey
• Support for EnableSpectator & DisableSpectator command (Console Command)
• Support for EnableCheats attempts (See new config options MaskPassword & LogPasswordAttempts)
• Support for tracking GCM events
• Support for tracking the ShowMyAdminManager event

• The config is completely reworked with better naming, explanations, and layout.
• Smarter logic for CustomSenderName, if empty it will pick the server session name
• Smarter logic for CustomMapName, if empty it will pick the server map (unless serverkey argument is being used)
• Smarter Discord post logic with queue engine to ensure everything is being posted without hitting a discord rate limit.
• Smarter Discord/Ingame posting to support formatting everything that's being sent from Command Logger. (See explained config for more info)

Config changes:
• Added option SendInterval (See explained config for more info)
• Removed TestLogger & /testcmd has been removed.
• Removed option ShowSteamId as it's not needed anymore
• Removed option ShowPosition as it's not needed anymore
• Removed option ShowMap as it's not needed anymore
• Removed option ShowSource as it's not needed anymore
• Renamed option ShowInGameNotification to LogToNotification
• Renamed option ShowInGameChat to LogToChat
• Renamed option UseExtendedLogging to ExtraConsoleLog
• Renamed option Filter to Ignore
• Renamed option SteamFilter to ExcludeIDs

Known Issues:
• When unloading the plugin via rcon server shutdown