Color Things FREE

Free Color Things FREE 1.0

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A scaled down version of the Color Things paid plugin.

The Free version does not have vip support. In other words, only the Default profile will work.

Color your Dinos, Structures, Armor, Weapons!

- Colors schemes are randomly rolled.
- No more cumbersome coloring, just roll until you're happy!
- Color hundreds of structures or dinos at once.
- Color entire blocks of connected structures
- Setup command usage for Tribe Admin or Tribe Owners only.

Current list of commands:

/colordino - Randomly colors the dino you are looking at
/colordinos - Randomly colors the dinos in your area
/colorplayer - Randomly colors the kit you are wearing and the weapon you have equipped
/colorstructure - Randomly colors the structure you are looking at and all structures linked to it
/coloragain - Continues coloring the linked structure with the same pattern

Use the keywords solid and random to alter the results of the coloring for each command.

/colordinos - all dinos colored the same random pattern
/colordinos solid - all dinos are colored a random solid color
/colordinos random solid - each dino is a colored a random solid color
/colordinos random - each dino is colored a random pattern

        "AccountID": "FREE",
        "PlayerHelpCommand": "/colorhelp",  // displays all the available commands to the player and the prices
        "PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,
        "ShowPlayerHelpInChat": false,  // displays the commands in the chat window also
        "DiscordWebHook": "",
        "DatabaseSaveIntervalMinutes": 15,    // the interval in which the database save occurs
        "GroupPermission": {
                "Priority": 99,
                "DinoColorRandomEnabled": true,       // enable or disable this command for this group permission only
                "DinoColorRandomUseTokens": false,    // uses tokens instead of points
                "DinoColorRandomRequireAdmin": true,  // requires player to be a tribe admin in order to use command
                "DinoColorRandomRequireOwner": false, // requires player to be the tribe owner in order to use command
                "DinoColorRandomPrice": 0,
                "DinoColorRandomBlacklist": [],   // dinos not to color for this group permission only
                "DinoColorRandomRangeEnabled": true,
                "DinoColorRandomRangeUseTokens": false,
                "DinoColorRandomRangeRequireAdmin": true,
                "DinoColorRandomRangeRequireOwner": false,   
                "DinoColorRandomRangePrice": 0,
                "DinoColorRandomRangeFoundations": 10,    // the size of the range bubbe
                "DinoColorRandomRangeBlacklist": [],

                "PlayerColorRandomEnabled": true,
                "PlayerColorRandomUseTokens": false,
                "PlayerColorRandomRequireAdmin": false,
                "PlayerColorRandomRequireOwner": false,
                "PlayerColorRandomPrice": 0,                   
                "StructureColorRandomEnabled": true,
                "StructureColorRandomUseTokens": false,
                "StructureColorRandomRequireAdmin": true,
                "StructureColorRandomRequireOwner": false,   
                "StructureColorRandomPrice": 0,
                "StructureColorRandomBlacklist": []


            "Enabled": true,               // disables this command for all players on the map
            "ChatCommand": "/colordino",   // chat command to use
            "Description": " - Randomly colors the dino you are looking at",   // the description that shows up in /colorhelp
            "TokenName": "DinoColorRandom",   // the Token name to use for this command
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,    // how fast the player can execute this command
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,     // how close the player has to be to the dino to use the command
            "MasterBlacklist": []             // dinos not to color for all players on the map
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/colordinos",
            "Description": " - Randomly colors the dinos in your area",
            "TokenName": "DinoColorRandomRange",
            "MaxLimit": 0,                    // 0 - colors all the dinos in the bubble, or you can set a limit if you want.
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": []
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/colorplayer",
            "Description": " - Randomly colors the kit you are wearing and the weapon you have equipped",
            "TokenName": "PlayerColorRandom",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5       
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/colorstructure",
            "Description": " - Randomly colors the structure you are looking at and all structures linked to it",
            "TokenName": "StructureColorRandom",
            "MaxLimit": 100, // the number of structures to color at once, you should test your server to see how many it can handle before it starts creating lag and adjust accordingly. If you set this to 0 it will color ALL structures, and in my experience this create a ton of lag with big bases
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": []
        "StructureColorAgain":{   // allows you to finish coloring strucutres in your area completely.
            "Enabled": true,
            "ChatCommand": "/coloragain",
            "Description": " - Continues coloring the linked structure or range bubble you just colored",
            "MaxLimit": 100,  // the number of structures to color at once, you should test your server to see how many it can handle before it starts creating lag and adjust accordingly. If you set this to 0 it will color ALL structures, and in my experience this create a ton of lag with big bases
            "TokenName": "StructureColorAgain",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "FoundationDistanceLimit": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": []
            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Color Things have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enough tokens to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points",
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
                    "CommandPurchased2": "Command purchased for {} tokens",
                    "ColorRandom": "Random coloring complete",
                    "ColorTribe": "Tribe color set",
                    "ColorTribeOff": "Tribe color cleared",
                    "CopyColor": "Color has been copied",
                    "BlacklistedDino": "You cannot use that command on this dino",
                    "BlacklistedStructure": "You cannot use that command on this structure",
                    "TargetInvalid": "You must be looking at your dino",                                                       
                    "GetCloser": "You are too far away to use this command",
                    "NoTarget": "You must be looking at your structure",
                    "NoStructures": "No structures found",
                    "StructureColor": "Colored {}/{} structures. Use /coloragain on this structure to continue coloring the remaining linked structures",
                    "StructureColorRange": "Colored {}/{} structures. Use /coloragain from your exact location (do not move) to continue coloring the remaining structures in your range",
                    "StructureColorComplete": "Stucture coloring completed",
                    "NoDinos": "No dinos found",
                    "Random": "random",
                    "Solid": "solid",
                    "Points": "Points",
                    "Tokens": "Tokens",
                    "Free": "Free"


Config reload command: ColorThings.reload

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