Stable releases of the beta versions
- Added an API for other plugin developers to interact with bases, spawn them, destroy and be notified when they are spawned, among other features.
The API files are attached here, and in

- Fixed several crashes and bugs
- Added spawn at coords rcon command: ab.spawnatcoords <template name> <X> <Y> <Z> [broadcast] [shouldTrack] [teamId] [checkForStructures]
- Added rcon/console command to rebroadcast a base.
ab.broadcast <baseId>
. Will trigger ingame & discord broadcast
- Improved auth system's speed, security and reliability
- Destroying a base will now be staggered, to prevent server lag
- PDB will now ship always, so crashes will be easier to debug.
- Fixed an issue with reloading template files
- Further improvements to structure spawns. Structures that need activation should fully work now
- Turrets ammo box search is now disabled forcefully to prevent server desync
- Fixed core structures not being registered on startup (and therefore not destroyed)
- You can now use
launch argument for the map name that is broadcasted to discord. Defaults to map name.
- Fixed an issue with bases not clearing bags after destroying
- Fixed an issue with turrets not powering when using normal generators
- Fixed a potential Garbage Collection crash
- Added
"Invincible": true,
to structures in templates, you can now make auto base structures invincible
- Added console commands:
- cheat ab.givemeaoe <radius> - gives all structures/dinos to you in the specificed radius
- cheat ab.spawnstructure <blueprint> <x> <y> <z> [bIsSpecificCoordsInsteadOfOffset] - spawns structure. by default xyz are offsets of your positions, if you put the bIsSpecificCoordsInsteadOfOffset to 1, it will spawn the structures at the specific x y z coords of the world
- cheat ab.spawnmultiplestructures <blueprint> <player offset x> <player offset y> <player offset z> <offset x> <offset y> <offset z> <count> - it will spawn multiple structures given the different offsets. Player offsets will determine where the first structure will spawn in reference to the player, and the other offsets will determine where the subsequent structures will spawn in reference to the last one spawned
This update is a clenup of all betas since 2022, as well as adds a lot of ways to create caves for non modded maps, as well as invincibility to prevent players from breaking that. Invincibility persists trough restarts as well.
No config changes needed