Recent content by Foppa

  1. Foppa

    Atlas: Server Api 1.71

    AtlasApi is a plugin which allows you to create your own server-side plugins for Atlas using C++ language or use existing ones. Installation: Extract everything to "Atlas\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64". All files like "version.dll" should be in "Win64" folder. Start your Atlas server as usual...
  2. Foppa

    Foppa's Vote Rewards 3.2.1 Upcoming Features: Auto Rewards Leaderboard Token Rewards Random Dino Coloring More TBA Features: Reward Kits (Lootbox, Shuffle Rewards) Permission based Rewards Reward users for votes with items, dinos and commands Reward users with shop points (fixed or random...
  3. Foppa

    Foppa's Vote Rewards

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Foppa's Vote Rewards - Rewards users for voting for your server Read more about this resource...
  4. Foppa

    Player Activity 1.1 Player Activity This plugin's main purpose is to gather information and post information about who joins/transfer and leaves the server. Very helpful for when you need information on who was online during a certain time or how long that player was online, or when it...
  5. Foppa

    Player Activity

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Player Activity - It tracks what's going on your server and more! Read more about this resource...
  6. Foppa

    Damage Control 1.5.1 Damage Control This plugin allows you to take control of all damage in the game, perfect for mods and other unbalanced dinos/weapons or structures. so now you can get rid of other mods that you try to balance your server with or keep and adjust them with this plugin...
  7. Foppa

    Damage Control

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Damage Control - Take control of all damage & completly balance it your way! Read more about this resource...
  8. Foppa

    Free Admins Permissions 1.2

    This plugin allows you to give only a certain console commands to other players. Chat Commands: /cheat <Console Command> - Executes console command if player has enough permissions. Example: /cheat infinitestats. Permissions: Cheat.<ConsoleCommand> - <ConsoleCommand> is any...
  9. Foppa

    Admins Permissions

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Admins Permissions - Configure admins permissions Read more about this resource...
  10. Foppa

    Free Kill Feed 2.3

    Kill Feed Features: Player Death Feed Tamed Dino Death Feed Notifications at top of screen Can display Weapon Name and Icon Can display just Weapon Icon Can display just Weapon Name Can display in chat box Can display attackers mounted dino name tag Commands: /kfreload -...
  11. Foppa

    Kill Feed

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Kill Feed - Player and Dino death logs Read more about this resource...
  12. Foppa

    Free Players Online List 1.3

    PlayerList Features: Lists all players character names in chat box that are online Configurable messages Customise colours Commands: /players - List all players names who are online /steamids - Lists player names with steam id's in brackets /playerids - Lists player...
  13. Foppa

    Players Online List

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Players Online List - List Online Players Names and/or Steam IDs, Tribe IDs, Player IDs Read more about this resource...
  14. Foppa

    Free Better Spawn Distribution 1.1

    This plugin changes the level distribution for dino spawns on all maps to match the higher levels seen on Ragnarok and The Center. It should work on any map that uses the default spawn distributions. Island official distribution Ragnarok official distribution Donate Any donation is much...
  15. Foppa

    Better Spawn Distribution

    Foppa submitted a new resource: Better Spawn Distribution - Modifies levels of wild dinos Read more about this resource...