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Free Structures Limit 2.5.1

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Structures Limit
It limits structures per tribe/player in the whole map!

  • New Logic for checking structures instead of timed based intervals. (Performance Improvement!)
  • Global Structure Limit
  • Specific Structure Limit of any Structure
  • Tribe Merge Prevention
  • Tribe Invite Prevention
Upcoming Features:
  • TBA
  • Structures placed
  • Structures removed/destroyed
  • Structures merging
  • Ignores C4 Charges
  • And more...
Chat Commands:
  • /ShowLimits - Shows the amount of player/tribe structures.
Console Commands:
  • sl.reload - Reloads config file.
  • UpdateStructures - Force structure count update (if needed).
  • GetBp - Prints to chat and server log target structure asset name.
RCON Commands:
  • sl.reload - Reloads config file from rcon
  • UpdateStructures - Force structure count update (if needed).

Config Example:
  "General": {
    "IgnoreAdmin": false, // option if we should prevent admins from building or not, needs to be in "Admins" group.
    "MaxAmount": 8000, // Global max amount of structures per tribe or player
    "NotificationDisplayTime": 4, // Display time for messages
    "NotificationScale": 1.3 // Display scale/size for messages
  "Structures": {
    "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Structures/Adobe/Blueprints/SM_AdobeFloor_BP.SM_AdobeFloor_BP'": {
      "Name": "Adobe Foundation",
      "Count": 5 //Max amount for specific blueprint
    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Stone/Stone_Floor/Floor_Stone.Floor_Stone'": {
      "Name": "Stone Foundation",
      "Count": 5 //Max amount for specific blueprint
    "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/StructuresPlusMod/Structures/Foundations/Square/Wood/BP_Foundation_Wood.BP_Foundation_Wood'": {
      "Name": "SS Wood Foundation",
      "Count": 5
  "Messages": {
    "Sender": "Structure Limits:",
    "InvitingMergeFail": "Can't merge with this tribe, the tribe has too many structures!",
    "InvitedMergeFail": "The tribe you are trying to merge has too many structures combined with yours!",
    "InvitingTribeFail": "The player you are trying to invite has too many structures combined with yours!",
    "InvitedPlayerFail": "The tribe you are trying to join have has too structures combined with yours!",
    "ReachLimit": "You have reached your limit of that structure or the global structure limit!",
    "ShowLimitsCmd": "/ShowLimits",
    "ShowLimitMsg": "{}: {}/{}\n",
    "TotalLimitMsg": "Total Structures: {}/{}",
    "ShowLimitsType": "Notification", // "Chat" For old style or "Notification" For new style.
    "NotificationColor": { // Change color when using Notification style.
      "Red": 1,
      "Green": 0,
      "Blue": 0.5
    "ShowLimitsDisplayTime": 10, //Display time for showlimit command when using Notification style.
    "ShowLimitsScale": 1.5 //Display scale for showlimit command when using Notification style.

Any donation is much appreciated and very helpful towards the upkeep/creation of the plugins i provide.

First release
Last update


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