Server Events Ascended

Paid Server Events Ascended 1.21

No permission to buy ($34.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
Server Events Ascended v1.18
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Extinction update fixes

(no config changes since v1.15)
Server Events Ascended v1.15
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed bugs with passenger seats, carrying and picking up dinos into or inside the arena.
Updated dino teleportation logic
Fix issue with boss taking damage when roaming outside the arena.
Fix a potential crash related to minion spawning and teleportation.
Fixed dead bodies causing the empty arena check to fail.
Updated grapple blocking
Added DisableWeapons in the arena by blueprint
    "DisableGrapple": false, //True will prevent using or being grappled in the event arena in the `GrappleBPs` list
    "GrappleBPs": [ //These are the blueprints for the grapples that will be disabled in the event arena
    "DisableWeapons": true, //True will prevent using weapons in the event arena listed in the `WeaponBPs` list
    "WeaponBPs": [ //These are the blueprints for the weapons that will be disabled in the event arena with `DisableWeapons` set to true
(config changes to EventBalanceSettings)
Server Events Ascended v1.14
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed API errors (AB release)

(no config changes)
Server Events Ascended v1.13
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed GPS in webhook.
Rewrote arena player/dino tracking and enter/exit code.
Updated arena clear logic on event start to only clear the area if Player/Dino limits are being used.
Shop dinos and reward dinos should spawn properly.
Dinos/Players not allowed inside are ejected from the arena.

(no config changes)
Server Events Ascended v1.12
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed a join permission issue
Fixed dino count issue
Prevented shop use when boss is spawned and PreventEntering is true
Prevented uncyro when boss is spawned and PreventEntering is true
Added missing messages

(config changes to Messages)
Server Events Ascended v1.11
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added new Arena options:
"PlayerLimit": 10, //-1 disables limit //1+ sets a limit on players allowed in the arena
"DinoLimit": 10, //-1 disables limit //1+ sets a limit on dinos allowed in the arena
"PreventLeaving": true, //true - Prevent players from leaving the arena once the boss is spawned //false - Allow leaving arena at anytime //Admins with enablecheats can still leave
"PreventEntering": true, //true - Prevent players from enterng the arena once the boss is spawned //false - Allow enterng arena at anytime //Admins with enablecheats can still enter //event auto cancels if no players are in the arena
Added new supporting messages

(config changes to Arena and Messages sections)
Server Events Ascended v1.10
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Updated to allow EnteringRequiresPermission to be blank.
Fixed bug that allowed players to bypass the enter/exit restrictions by mounting a dino near the edge of the arena.

(no config changes since 1.09 )
Server Events Ascended v1.09
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added new Arena setting
"PreventEntering": true, //true - Prevent players from enterng the arena once the boss is spawned //false - Allow enterng arena at anytime //Admins with enablecheats can still enter
Fixed bug that allowed players to walk backwards and exit with "PreventLeaving": true

(config changes to Arena )
*Server Events Ascended v1.08
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed a bug that allowed your spawned in bosses to be pushed around.

(no config changes since 1.06)