RCON Scheduler Ascended

Free RCON Scheduler Ascended 1.06

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Rcon Scheduler Ascended v1.06
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Leaving the player join message blank will no longer try and send a message.

(no config changes)
Rcon Scheduler Ascended v1.05
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixing a multi-threading issue introduced in 1.04

(no config changes)
Rcon Scheduler Ascended v1.04
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added new command RconScheduler.SaveExit which will preform a world save and close the server.
Updated PlayerJoin message to support different messages per map.
Uses API message mod if installed
Updated some other code to speed up rcon command execution.

(no config changes)
Rcon Scheduler Ascended v1.03
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue with per map overrides not being set properly.

(no config changes)