Public Train

Mod Public Train 10.0

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This resource is a mod for ASE or ASA
This mod adds a new engram called "Public Train" for the train engine. The Public Train is like the regular train engine except that:
  • every tribes can pilot it and access its inventory.
  • it has a light (with an ON/OFF toggle).
  • it has multiple speed options.
You need to own Bob's Tall Tales in order to craft or unlock the engram.
This mod also adds some chat commands for players to be able to connect their tracks to a public railway.

By default:
  • every tribes can pilot the Public Train.
  • only Public Train's owning tribe can access its inventory (this is useful if you don't want other tribes to remove or add fuel).
  • light toggle, speed change and chat commands are disabled.

Full configuration and documentation is available here:

This mod is made for ArkIsBack servers, but anyone can use it on their own server.
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Reactions: Pelayori
First release
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Latest updates

  1. Added train light and speed change options, improved commands.

    v10.0 : Added shorter alias /att for /acquiretraintrack. Added possibility to change train...