Offline Shaming FREE

Free Offline Shaming FREE 2.0

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A simple plugin that will detect when a player/tribe is offline raiding another player/tribe.

Maps check for new shaming messages every 60 seconds

After being warned, if the player continues to attack, then their information will be broadcast in the global chat and also Discord. This plugin only supports Official Ark Maps and DLC's. Custom maps will not work.

The plugin does not prevent damage, except when it's warning the player (this is configurable).

Using the chat command /shame to see if the tribe is online

The warning message the player receives when they attack an offline tribe:


The player is given plenty of warning (count is configurable):

The player did not care and the Offline Shaming message is broadcast in global chat:

The Offline Shaming messages are also broadcast to Discord:

    "OfflineShaming": {
        "DiscordWebHook": "",
        "IgnoreAdmin": true,
        "SenderNameInChat": "OFFLINE RAIDING ALERT",
        "PlayerHelpCommand": "/oshelp",
        "PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,
        "ShowPlayerHelpInChat": true,
        "UseTokens": false,   // if true then uses the TokenBank plugin, and price is the number of tokens needed to use command

            "Default": {
                "AuditEveryXSeconds": 60,  // the amount of time to wait to check if player is offline shming the same tribe they have been shamed for. Must not be larger than ShamingMessageCooldown.

                "Decay": {
                    "Enabled": true,                  // enable decay check
                    "AllowDemolitionAttack": true,    // allow players to destroy decayed structuress without triggering the plugin
                    "AllowAttackOnDecayDayNumber": 8  // the number of days of decay time allowed before the plugin is ignored, on day 8 offline shaming will not trigger
                "EnableAfterWorldDayNumber": 1, // enable plugin after X world day has passed, use to delay plugin at the start of a new wipe
                "IgnoreDamageUntilAfterWarningCount": true,  // if true then damage to structure is prevented until warnings have exhausted (this prevents exploiting the plugin because players could C4, do damage, wait out the cooldown.. do c4 again etc..)
                "LocationOffset": 5,        // the amount to randomly offset the actual location lat and long. This is so you dont give away exact locations. Set to 0 for exact location.
                "MessageIntervalInSecs": 5, // how long to wait between offlining warning messages and each warning offense
                "OffliningCooldown": 60,    // the amount of seconds a player must be logged out before they are considered offline. Recommend at least 60 Seconds.
                "RevealGuiltyLocation": false, // display the location of the offender
                "RevealGuiltyPlayer": true,  // display the name of the offender
                "RevealGuiltyTribe": true,  // display the tribe name of the offender
                "ShamingMessageColor": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">",
                "ShamingMessageCooldown": 300, //number of seconds before publishing the shaming alert to dicord and global chat. This value depending on how much you want to spam offline shaming activities to your chat and discord. Must not be larger than WarningReset.
                "ShowAreaOnly": true,       // if true then will not display GPS location, but will dipsplay NW, NE, SW or SE map locations instead
                "WarningMessageColor": [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
                "WarningMessageDisplayTime": 5,
                "WarningMessageTextSize": 2,
                "WarningReset": 600,   // the amount of seconds before the offline shaming resets and the warning messages are sent out again. Recommend this to be 10-15 minutes
                "Warnings": 3        // the number of warnings before messages are sent out

            "CheckIfTribeIsOffline": "/shame",    // displays the tribe online status when looking at a tribe structure
            "CheckIfTribeIsOfflineCommandCooldown": 60

        "ProtectedTribeIds": [
        "StructureExemptions": [


                "Default": {
                    "Priority": 99,

                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Offline Shaming have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} points",

                    "Warning": "Warning",
                    "LastWarning": "LAST WARNING",
                    "WarningNotification": "You are Offline Raiding, if you continue, then your Name, Tribe and Location could be revealed to all players.",

                    "msgMap": "Map",
                    "msgPlayer": "Player",
                    "msgIs": "is",
                    "msgFromTribe": "from tribe",
                    "msgOffliningTribe": "offlining tribe",

                    "msgLat": "Lat",
                    "msgLong": "Long",
                    "msgNearbyLocation": "Nearby Location",
                    "msgExactLocation": "Exact Location",

                    "msgNorthWest": "North West",
                    "msgNorthEast": "North East",
                    "msgSouthWest": "South West",
                    "msgSouthEast": "South East",
                    "msgPartOfTheMap": "part of the map.",

                    "msgTibeIsOnline": "Tribe is online",
                    "msgTibeIsOffline": "Tribe is offline",

                    "msgCommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment",
                    "msgMustBeLookingAtStructure": "You must be looking at a structure to use this command",
                    "msgMustBeLookingAtEnemyStructure": "You must be looking at a ENEMY structure to use this command"

        "Mysql": {    // configure your mysql database below
        "UseMysql": true,
            "MysqlHost": "localhost",
            "MysqlUser": "",
            "MysqlPass": "",
            "MysqlDB": "offlineshaming"

Reload config command: os.reload

If you enjoy my plugins, please leave a rating! I'd also like to give a shoutout to WetBatman and Pelayori for helping me with my plugin development. I highly recommend ALL of their plugins!!!

Please join my discord channel for any questions or support. Thank you!
First release
Last update


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