No Double Login

Paid No Double Login 2.05

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Prevents double login duping exploits
Discord Webhook to log offenders
Prevents players from logging into two different servers on a cluster using the same SteamID and duping via the built-in Ark Upload System.
Prevents players from being able to duplicate their character allowing for duplicating inventory they were carrying.
Ability to block creating multiple characters on a cluster using the same Steam ID.
Ban System is now MySQL based and no longer relies on the built in ban function so it is cluster wide.
Kicking and Banning happens from the server list now so players you don't want on the server just can't join at all.

Whitelist, Exclusive Join and Ban System
MySQL based and no longer requires data in the text files.
I recommend emptying the BanList.txt, PlayersExclusiveJoinList.txt and PlayersJoinNoCheckList.txt files.
If my system doesn't find a match in the database it will check the normal built in functions as a backup method.

`-exclusivejoin` startup parameter is required still if using that feature (txt file can be blank)

Whitelist Permission System
Assign permission groups to allow whitelisting
When permission is removed they are de-whitelisted also
Now you can offer it to VIP members without managing it manually

RCON/Console Commands
Reload plugin config nodoublelogin.reload

RCON Commands
NoDoubleLogin.UnBan <steamid> - up to 2 minutes before the ban is lifted
NoDoubleLogin.Ban <steamid> <hours> <comment>
`NoDoubleLogin.Ban 999999999999 24 steal eggs` - 24 hour ban
`NoDoubleLogin.Ban 999999999999 0 steal eggs` - permanent ban
NoDoubleLogin.Whitelist <steamid> - up to 2 minutes before it takes effect
NoDoubleLogin.UnWhitelist <steamid> - up to 2 minutes before it takes effect
NoDoubleLogin.ExclusiveJoin <steamid> - up to 2 minutes before it takes effect
NoDoubleLogin.UnExclusiveJoin <steamid> - up to 2 minutes before it takes effect
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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  1. 2.05

    No Double Login v2.05 Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required...

Latest reviews

This plugin it has been such a piece of mind to know people can’t create new characters or duping exploits. A must have for your cluster!
i use it for anti duping and having a clear viw of the playerbase in combination with verified system and discord roles. its perfectly with all the functions and i also extended with the help of killerdelta with a discord tool to have smooth features from discord to this plugin^^