Lethal Trades

Paid Lethal Trades 2.01

No permission to buy ($29.99)
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Lethal Trades
Enables remote trading between players on the same map. (No cluster support)
Opening a trade session will spawn two trading boxes (Sending/Receiving) for each player on the ground in front of them.
Sending box is used to show what items you are offering for your trade you can add/remove items until you lock-in your trade.
Receiving box is used to show what items the other player is offering you for your items and items are not removable.
No database connection required for the plugin

Allow or disallow same team trading (disallowed by default)
Allow trading for all players or only for players with a permission group (Optional Permissions plugin)
Supports adding a trading fee paid by both players when confirming a trade (Optional ArkShop plugin)
Helps prevent spamming trades and gives another reason to use ArkShop points
Transferring servers with an open trade will cancel the trade and return items to players.
Death while trading will cancel the trade and return items to players (dead players body will have the items)
Hitting the trade boxes will cancel the trade and return items to players.
Ability to convert ArkShop Points into a tradeable currency to use in the item trading process.
Discord logging for trade transactions using a webhook.

Player Commands - These can be changed in the config
/traders - Lists each player currently wanting to trade
/trader - Adds you to the traders list
/tradewith # - Opens a trade with an active trader from the /traders command
/tradecancel - Cancels the active trade returning items to players and removing the trading boxes
/tradelock - Locks your sending box to prevent scamming players before completing a trade (requires both players to lock before continuing)
/tradeconfirm - Completes the trade between the players (only available after /tradelock is used by both players)
/convert # - Convert # ArkShop Points into a tradeable consumable item which can be consumed to add points to a players ArkShop Points balance

RCON/Console Commands
lethaltrades.reload - Reloads config
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. 2.01

    Lethal Trades v2.01 Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required Fixed...

Latest reviews

I’ve really enjoyed this plugin and so has my community. We have a safe zone setup where they can trade and sometimes people in the past would try to grief others of there loot. With this plugin that is no longer an issue, secure trades without the possibility of being scammed 😎