Lethal Quests Ascended

Paid Lethal Quests Ascended 1.18 Beta 5

No permission to buy ($45.00)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
Lethal Quests Ascended v1.18 Beta 5
Server API 1.16+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added httppost reward type with the ability to set the "headers" for the post.
  { //Advanced Feature: Will send an HTTP POST to the url in the command
    "Type": "httppost",
    "Headers": [ //Optional headers to send with the request
      "Accept: application/json",
      "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN HERE>"
    "Command": "http://www.someurl.com/eos_id={eos_id}&variable=value" //Advanced feature that requires you to have special handling in place to use.
Updated quest completion checking.
Added the ability to have tribe scores configurable via a formula. (Tribe Score is only available in the UI and is not stored in the database)
  "TribeScoreFormula": "((SUM(PlayerKills)*3) - SUM(TotalDeaths) + (SUM(MinutesPlayed)/60)) / COUNT(*)", //Formula to calculate the Tribe Score
  //You can use any of the database column names in the formula and the formula must return a single value
  //COUNT(*) is the number of players in the tribe
  //SUM() is the total of the stat column for all players in the tribe
  //You can use +, -, *, / in the formula
  //You can use () to group parts of the formula
  //The above example formula is "((Total Player Kills * 3) - Total Deaths + (Total Minutes Played / 60)) / Number of Players"
Added the following to the NameMapping section
"TribeScore": "Tribe Score" //This is a special case for the Tribe Leaderboard
* Fixed API errors (AB release)

(config changes noted above)
Lethal Quests Ascended v1.17
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issues with missing quest tracking stats.

(no config changes)
Lethal Quests Ascended v1.16
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue where players received double credit in certain situations.

(no config changes)